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Mum posts pics from A&E of son’s battered head in desperate bid to stop bullies


A DEVASTATED mum has posted pictures of her son’s battered head – in a bid to stop the bullies who knocked him unconscious and put him in hospital.

Writing from A&E last night (Tue), Lisa Clubb decided to go public after enduring years of son, Struan, being bullied at school.

The bullying has turned Struan, 14, from being a “happy-go-lucky, confident kid” to having had thoughts of killing himself.

In the post, Lisa, from Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, details the years of physical and emotional abuse, with shocking pictures of the most recent assault.

The pictures show Struan’s forehead with a huge bump, after having “his head smacked off a lamp post amongst other things.”

Above them, Lisa wrote in a caption: “We are a very private family, but unfortunately we have had no choice than to go public with this as we need it to stop.

“Struan has been bullied since S1 by one boy in particular.

“This carried on all the way to the end of S2 and involved daily harassment, many assaults – one so violent he was hospitalised – stalking, and attempted theft of his bike.

“Now in S3 someone else has decided to bully him.

Another view of Struan’s injury after a bully pushed him into a lampost

“This has been ongoing and resulted in today’s assault.

“The original bully has now decided to get involved and make the situation worse, sending abusive messages and trying to make people turn on him.

“This is our daily life. He can’t take it anymore, I can’t take it anymore.

“It has to stop and it has to stop now.”

Speaking today (Wed), Lisa spoke about the effect the bullying has had on their lives : “Struan used to be confident, happy-go-lucky, always up for doing things.

“Now he doesn’t want to leave the house.

“He has thought about taking his own life.

She added: “I have had to take time off work because he has needed me.

“It’s like someone on your back the whole time, constantly. It’s been a nightmare.

The post has been shared more than 3000 times many of Lisa’s friends sending messages of support.

Gillian Chalmers wrote: “Omg that is awful. Thinking of you both and sending hugs.”

Jill Anderson said: “That’s terrible Lisa. Hope you get justice for him.”

Amanda McFadyen commented: “Lisa I’m so sorry this has happened, sending you kisses and cuddles Struan. Horrible nasty bullies always get their comeuppance. I look at the ones who were in my year at school, all jobless junkies. Karma does exist. Stay strong wee pal. As the old saying goes: “The toes you step on today is the foot that’ll kick you tomorrow.”

Struan’s mother’s second Facebook post thanking those who got in touch offering support and for sharing their own stories of bullying

Sarah Fraser said: “Omg this is awful Lisa. Nobody should have this happen to them especially a child. Thinking of you hugs.”

Lisa herself posted a heartfelt message this morning thanking people for messages of support.

She wrote: “I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for sharing my post about Struan and all the messages of support.

“We all really appreciate them and I’ll make sure to keep everyone updated.

“I have been completely overwhelmed by messages from both friends and strangers.

“I will reply to every one of them, but today I’m concentrating on Struan and dealing with the police and the school.

“The amount of stories I have heard from parents of children who are suffering the same, or adults who were bullied is quite frankly terrifying.

“Something needs to change and it needs to change now.”

An Aberdeen City Council spokeswoman said: “We cannot comment on individual cases however parents can be assured we have robust policies and procedures in place to deal with bullying, and any accusation of bullying is investigated, and appropriate action is taken including involving police if necessary.

“We will continue to encourage pupils and parents to work with teachers, support staff and other partners within the anti-bullying policies in place at our schools.”

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