Home News Amazon shopper says deliverer broke lock and “trespassed” before leaving box to...

Amazon shopper says deliverer broke lock and “trespassed” before leaving box to dissolve in rain


AN Amazon customer claims a delivery driver broke into her back garden by wrecking a lock – and then left her book in the pouring rain.

Clare Lou posted pictures of the soggy heap of cardboard she found on garden chairs outside her home in Coventry.

Other images showed how the book inside had been ruined by water as a result of the bungled delivery.

To make matters worse, Clare said she had been forced to wait three days longer than expected for the parcel to arrive at all.

Clare was amazed when she found her Amazon delivery in such a state

Clare took to Amazon’s social media page to complain that she was “utterly shocked and disappointed” by the state of her delivery on Thursday.

“I found my parcel on a pile of wet chairs in the garden…nowhere near a fence that it could have been thrown over,” she complained.

Clare added: “This caused me to wonder how it got there in the first place, so I inspected the lock on the back garden gate to discover that it had been broken, presumably by force.

“So not only did the parcel arrive three days late, the delivery person trespassed into my back garden and presumably used force to gain entry which broke the lock on the gate.

Items such as this book were destroyed by the rain-soaked delivery

“The box was soaking wet which had caused the parcel to fall apart. Luckily, the Leapfrog toy inside appears to be undamaged, although we won’t be sure of any water damage until we put batteries in it and switch it on.

“The book that I ordered is completely destroyed as shown in the pictures. The water damage has caused the book to expand to double its usual size and most of the pages are soggy and ripped.

“There was also supposed to be a gift voucher in the order which is missing completely.

“I am appalled and disgusted with this delivery. I have always used Amazon as I believed it to be a reliable and reputable company. I was wrong.”

The leapfrog toy included in the delivery appeared to have escaped any damage

Trisha O Hanlon commented under Clare’s post claiming she too had been regularly let down by the firm’s delivery drivers.

She wrote: “I am a regular customer of amazon but have been let down several times lately.

“They left a card to say they’d left parcel out back in a safe place. As our access to back is entry only by key we looked everywhere and no parcel.

“I joked to husband to check wheelie bin and believe it or not it was in there.”

One social media user told her own story at how she was let down by the company

It was reported today that an Amazon delivery driver has been removed from a route after reportedly letting himself into a house.

Elyse Young, 26, from Calne, Wiltshire was picking up her sixyear-old son from school returning to find her front door wide open and the parcel left in the hallway.

And it seems the number of delivery drivers on the roads will continue to increase after a new study showed the number of people visitng UK high streets in November dropped to its lowest level since the 2008 recession.

The research by analysts Springboard showed the rise of Black Friday deals meant more people than ever were shopping online.

Clare Lou posted the pictures online after her discovery

Amazon have today confirmed that they will be “addressing the issue” with their delivery provider.

A spokesman for Amazon said: “We are taking this matter seriously and have reached out to the customer to apologize for the experience and offer our support.

“We are addressing the issue with our delivery service provider.”

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