Home News Dog sitter gets patient pooches posed up for Santa’s sleigh ride and...

Dog sitter gets patient pooches posed up for Santa’s sleigh ride and a Nativity


A DOG sitter who loves posing up her patient pooches for hilarious snaps has created a Santa scene, complete with elves and reindeer.

The pups were also dressed up at Easter time and for halloween

Cara Raphael, from Glasgow, has also shared her Christimas-themed snap from last year – a doggy nativity.

The 30-year-old has earned thousands of likes on Twitter and Instagram with her ability to keep the dogs under control while she sets up the pictures.

This years image shows seven dogs dressed up as reigndeers, one even with a red nose.

They are leading a sleigh which holds another three pooches wearing santa hats.

Last years picture was staged using old towels and bed sheets

In front of the sleigh are three more dogs dressed as elves.

The photo from 2017 shows the dogs dressed up using old towels and bed sheets.

She lined them up in a stable which she normally keeps for horses and managed to get them all looking directly at the camera at the same time.

Clara also shared images of the dogs dressed up as bunnies for Easter and ghosts and monsters for Halloween.

The dogs have lots of fans on social media

One image even shows them celebrating a birthday in their ranks by wearing pink party hats.

The photo of the nativity scene was originally posted onto Instagram but went viral on Twitter after a collegue of Clara’s shared it.

@letliv3 posted the picture of the dog nativity scene writing: “A lady I work with sends her dog to doggy day care and the woman who runs it does seasonal photo shoots with the dogs.”

There have been two spooky Halloween posts since Cara started sharing her pictures

Her post racked up over 20,000 likes and more than 200 comments from users who also loved the photo.

Joanna Blunden said: “Pup nativity yasss.”

@itsjustbexy said: “You have to let me in on your secret, I work at a daycare and can barely get the dogs to sit still for a minute never mind get a pic like this.”

Kim Laird commented: “That is amazing.”

Cara’s Christmas picture taken on Thursday [21 DEC] shows 13 dogs all dressed up in the same stable as Santa, reindeer and elves.

The Santa dog is dressed up with a santa hat, with the others wearing elf hats and antlers.

Several other photos so how much Cara loves dressing the dogs up including for Halloween and Easter.

Cara says the dogs owners love it when she dresses them up.

Speaking today, Cara who has been running the doggy day care for two years, said she loves doing the photos as she’s an “animal person” at heart.

She said: “I usually do group photos and dress them up every year.

“[Owners] love it, they’ve been asking me when I’m doing it this year so they can put their dog into my on that day.

“It’s good to see so many people appreciate it as its all just for a bit of humour.”

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