Home News Astonished taxi driver captures BMW on hard shoulder “at 120mph” and insists...

Astonished taxi driver captures BMW on hard shoulder “at 120mph” and insists it’s not a police car


TERRIFYING video shows a BMW tearing up a motorway hard shoulder at an estimated 120mph.

The BMW is surrounded by people talking on the hard shoulder, as one person can be seen sitting on the embankment away from the road.

The clip, filmed on the M40 near Warwick, was posted by a taxi driver who said he was driving at about 60mph.

But the BMW appears to be covering twice the distance of the dashcam vehicle despite the serious risk to the lives of other motorway users.

The film shows a very similar-looking BMW stopped on the hard shoulder a few seconds before but it is not clear if this is the same vehicle.

The taxi driver, who is from Nottingham but does not wish to be identified, was approaching junction 15 southbound at around 3:40pm on November 18.

The taxi driver today said he was certain it wasn’t a police car.

The video shows the taxi driver cruising on the M40 when a BMW appears to be broken down on the hard shoulder.

The BMW is surrounded by people talking on the hard shoulder, as one person can be seen sitting on the embankment away from the road.

Bags and belongings can be seen sitting at the side of the road whilst the passengers appear to be waiting for help.

Warwickshire and West Mercia Police are reviewing the footage.

Just 16 seconds later another BMW appears on the hard shoulder driving at an incredible speed.

Using the lane markings as a guide, it appears the BMW is covering at least twice as much distance as the taxi from which it was filmed, suggesting a speed of 120mph.

On social media, Ken Pearce said: “I thought perhaps it’s an unmarked police car.”

Alan Brown added: “Plain police car perhaps.”

John Peyton disagreed: “If it was police then they should have the blue lights flashing?”

The taxi driver today said he was certain it wasn’t a police car.

The taxi driver said: “Some people think it was a undercover cop car, but I’m 99.9% sure it wasn’t.

“The BMW was too old to be a police car and had no flashing lights.”

The taxi driver also believes that the broken down BMW was not the same one driving on the hard shoulder.

They added: “There was a broken down BMW which was a 5 series and had hazard lights on.

“The BMW that was speeding on the hard shoulder was a 3 series BMW and was unrelated to the broken down BMW.”

Warwickshire and West Mercia Police are reviewing the footage.

A spokeswoman from Warwickshire and West Mercia Police said: “Police have received and will view the footage. If an offence is deemed to have been committed, it will be dealt with appropriately.”

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