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Fed-up resident posts warning signs next to dog mess threatening to chuck poo at culprit


A FED-up resident is planting hilarious signs next to piles of dog mess – threatening to chuck the poo at the culprit.

The carefully-written and neatly-printed warning notices have appeared in an Edinburgh courtyard where several pooches are kept.

This morning alone, two of the signs could be seen next to mouldering piles of dog faeces in the city’s Breadalbane Street, where two-bedroom flats fetch over £200,000.

The signs, printed on A4 and stuck in to the grass with metal wire, start off with a passive-aggressive: “Hello! I notice you’ve decided not to pick up your dog’s s***.

“I’m sure you’re a responsible dog owner and your responsibility to pick up after your pet has slipped your mind.”

The note continues: “I thought I’d remind you all the reasons why you should pick up your dog’s s***.

“Dog fouling is disgusting, dangerous and illegal. Kids play in these spaces, people eat their lunch in these spaces.

“This is a shared space that everyone uses; if you are keen to continue not picking up your dog’s s***, can I suggest doing it in a private space that only you use? Perhaps your living room?”

The tone of the note then switches from passive-aggressive to plain aggressive.

It warns: “If I see you not picking up your dog’s s***, I will pick it up and hand it to you/throw it at you.”

The note is signed off: “See! Loads of reasons to pick it up!”

A resident who lives in the building, Liam Cumbers, said of the note: “I like it because you should be made aware. If you can be fined for littering then you should be fined for this.

“It’s not the first time I’ve seen dog mess here but it’s the first time I’ve seen a note about it. Kids play here and they can fall over in it so it’s a responsibility.”

Another resident, Kate Farrell, understood why the note was placed there.

She said: “I can see why residents get worked up. My son plays here so I’m not happy that there is dog excrement left there.

“He is a wheelchair user so he could be on his hands and knees [when he is playing]. I’m glad someone is dealing with it. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t be picked up.”

Rory Laing, currently working in one of the businesses in the area, said: “It’s an interesting start to a Monday morning.

“I think it shows, ironically, the time it has taken to write the note and print it than it would have been to actually pick up the dog mess.

“But it does makes you think twice about your own pets and their waste.”

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