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Angry pals abandon pints at pub and take “barred” homeless man for drink and warm-up at another bar


TWO drinkers left their pints behind and took a homeless man for a drink at another pub after he was refused entry despite -3 C temperatures.

Pals David Wilson and Mark Walker were at a Walkabout pub in Blackpool, Lancashire, when they found the man shivering outside.

They asked staff at the Aussie-themed bar if Dean could join them for a drink and to warm up and claim they were refused. The pub insists that the man had been a nuisance to customers.

Nonetheless, David and Mark, both engineers, were so angry they abandoned their beers and took Dean, a skilled tradesman, for a drink at a nearby watering hole.

The engineers invited homeless man out for pint after being refused entry at Walkabout
David (right) and Mark (left) decided to take Dean out for a couple of drinks

The pair then posted a picture of the three of them sat together enjoying their pints at the Litten Tree.

David posted: “Me and my mate asked if he could come in for a warm and a drink with us as it is -3 and dropping temperature.

“We left our pints as he was refused entry! Why? Because he is homeless, what a joke!

“We are now sitting in the Litten tree having a pint. Dean is over the moon to get back to reality for a hour or so whilst we sit and talk about life etc.”

He added: “It’s sad I know as when we leave he has no fixed abode and me and Mark have a warm bed and a roof over our head for the night before a day of proper graft in the morning.”

David took to Facebook to explain what had happened

Before asking Facebook users to make the post viral, he outlined that Dean was also a tradesman in the past.

He added: “What state has this country got into! Dean is a time served plaster/external render with experience working on scaffolding as well also has floor screed experience!

“Let’s get this post viral and give Dean a second chance as it is his turn at the bar.”

Tony Maughan Jnr was among those to praise the pair, writing: “Well done Mark and David. So wrong this day and age! Our own people on the streets.”

Ruth Sewell said: “This country is shameful we are getting more like a third world country every day.”

Facebook users were quick to compliment David and Mark

Eddie Blench said: “Good on you boys respect.”

Erica Wilson commented: “That’s lovely of you two.”

Gina Hodgson Baxter said: “Good lads.”

Karen Anne Nixon commented: “So nice of you both.”

Amy Tinkler said: “Well done guys this is amazing really hope this guy gets back on his feet.”

David then went onto to post an update, saying Dean managed to get a place to stay for the night.

He said: “Just like to say Dean is washed up and fully rigged out with some new clobber and looking forward to a nice warm bed and a full English in the morning.

“Thanks to Mark Walker, Paddy Conor and myself he is safe for at least one night and feeling like a normal person thanks for the comments it’s good to make a difference.”

Walkabout said Dean had been in before asking customers for money

Stonegate, who operate Walkabout’s 25 pubs in the UK, recently boasted December like-for-like sales growth of 7.8% compared with 5.5% in 2017.

Walkabout said the homeless man concerned had been in before asking customers for money while they were in the bar.

A spokeswoman said, “We are happy to welcome customers from all walks of life into our venues.

“Unfortunately on this occasion Dean was asked to leave as he had previously been in the site asking customers for money as they were eating and drinking, which some customers found offensive.”

Last year, a schoolgirl blasted Starbucks after a staff member told her she should “let nature take its course” when she bought a homeless man a meal.

Amy McIlroy, from Hamilton said she was “disgusted” after being told by a barista that she shouldn’t waste her time by feeding the starving boy outside the Royal Exchange Square branch in Glasgow. Starbucks said at the time they would urgently investigate.

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