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Dramatic moment car is chased by two vans across the middle of a roundabout in heavy traffic


DRAMATIC video shows a car chased by two vans across the middle of a roundabout in heavy traffic.

The pursuit also involved a car driving the wrong way round the junction in Birmingham on Monday.

The clip was filmed by a motorist, who wants to remain anonymous, in College Road, Kingstanding.

The woman posted the clip to a Facebook page with the caption: “Two vans and a car must of been at least nine in the other vehicles chasing a blue car on the wrong side of the road.

“They came to a stop on the island and one lad jumped out with a baseball bat. They were all wearing balaclavas.”

The video shows the woman approaching the roundabout before her dash cam captured the moment a blue car mounts the roundabout and drives over it.

The blue car is then quickly followed by two vans who also mount the roundabout.

The silver car is stationary at the roundabout, but a man gets out of the vehicle and runs past the woman.

The silver car then quickly follows the man in the same direction driving the wrong way.

Tara Lawler commented on the post saying: “Nothing surprises me in Kingstanding!”

The bizarre footage captured numerous chasing a blue car over a roundabout

Ashley Lewis questioned the involvement of the silver car saying “What about the Fiesta going past on you on the left the wrong way? I wonder if they stole the wrong car and are being hunted down!”

The woman replied to her comment saying: “They were involved too.”

The woman today described the scene that unfolded before her.

She said: “From what I seen, there were two vans and a car chasing the blue vehicle on the wrong side of the road, it came to a stop due to myself and another vehicle blocking them from going around.

“One lad jumped out of the silver vehicle with a baseball bat and ran towards the blue car before he drove over the island, the men in the car and the white van had balaclavas on.

“The blue car then mounted the island to cut across with the others and headed up towards the Hawthorne.

“When I drove down towards the Boar’s Head about 15 minutes later the car was on the grass verge smashed up and the man who was being chased look injured.”

When asked what the chase was about the woman had her suspicions.

She added: “Well let’s be honest I don’t think it was to steal the car as it was a an old car, and after seeing it smashed up obviously he had either done something wrong or they were out to hurt someone.

“I never had any damage to my vehicle thankfully, but that poor bloke was on his own easily being chased by nine people in three separate vehicles.

“I was totally shocked. Kingstanding is not the greatest place, but I never thought I’d witness something like that.”

The woman reported the incident to the police but said that they weren’t “that bothered” by it.

The vehicles were caught driving over the round in Kingstanding

She continues: “I did phone the police when I witnessed it and told them I had dash cam footage however she wasn’t that bothered. All they said is they’ll send someone out to have a look in the area.”

When approached about the incident West Midlands Police stated that they were unable to find the incident without a crime reference number which the woman said she did not receive.

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