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“Whose dad is this?” Moment “fetishist chained to Miss Foxx” confronted by cops at railway station


BIZARRE video shows a man on his knees in a busy railway station being held on a chain by a woman with very high heels.

The portly, middle-aged man is holding a sign by his side which appears to read “On Probation For Miss Foxx”.

The weird scene at Waterloo Station, London, is completed by a pair of baffled-looking police officers and a large crowd of even more confused travellers.

The clip was taken last Thursday and posted to social media by Dutty Boukmann with the caption: “Whose dad is this?”

The clip begins with a shot of the white-haired man kneeling on the train station floor holding a card in his right hand. The word “probation”, written in black ink, can be made out next to “Miss Foxx” in red ink.

The Miss Foxx in question is standing nearby holding on to the chain attached to the man’s neck. She is wearing a tight, short black leather skirt and wicked-looking high heels.

Miss Foxx, who has long red hair, appears to be talking to a pair of officers from British Transport Police.

"Whose dad is this?" Moment "fetishist chained to Miss Foxx" confronted by cops at railway station
The man was seen in Waterloo Station with a chain on

Other people can be seen going past smiling or watching the scene in disbelief.

The man filming says: “And it’s just a fetish she said. That’s why everyone’s so happy about it.”

Therasa Jw responded: “The girl’s face walking past says it all.”

Brenda Otto commented: “Ffs.”

Angel Paig? said: “Omg did you record this?”

The man was holding a sing appearing to read “On Probation For Miss Foxx”.

A spokeswoman for British Transport Police said: “We were made aware of it and alerted to it.

“However, there was no real offence committed, and therefore there were no arrests or cautions.

“They were spoken to by officers and left the station shortly after.”

A Google search for Miss Foxx reveals a UK-based dominatrix, offering her services as: “UK’s finest and sexiest, English, financial domination, humiliation, cuckolding, ebonatrix, goddess”.

Transport Police said: “They were spoken to by officers and left the station shortly after.”

A Twitter page, purporting to be Miss Foxx, posted videos of the man on the lead in Waterloo Station, referred to as: “Public B***h Walk.”

In a Twitter post, she wrote: “I love public humiliation. Network Rail staff and public fascinated, followed me out the station like I was Kanye.

“A priest had a massive grin on his face.

“Me: ‘Surely you’ve seen this’. Po po [police]: ‘Not in Waterloo Station’. Me: ‘Get used to it’.”

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