Home Partner Posts Prince2 Certification Vs PMP Certification – How to choose?

Prince2 Certification Vs PMP Certification – How to choose?


If you are already working in the field of project management or are planning to move to the area of project management, chances are that you would have heard of various certifications like PMP or Prince2. Both PMP and Prince2 certifications enjoy a great reputation in the field as these certifications make it clear to your prospective employer or your boss/manager that you have the knowledge of the project management concepts and you possess the ability to apply the same in the area of work as and when required. Hence, we come now to the most important question that would have definitely come in your mind. How to choose between Prince2 certification and PMP certification? The choice is certainly hard to make. However, if you are reading this post, you have come to the right place to seek an answer to this question. In this post, we are going to lay down certain points that will help you in making the correct decision.

Prince2 Certification Vs PMP Certification – How to make the choice?

Following are certain points in relation to the Prince2 certification and the PMP certification which will, indeed, aid and assist you in reaching out to a final decision.

·    Geographic Region

Your decision can rest on the geographic region as well to which you belong. This is because, in some geographical regions, PMP Certification enjoys a higher reputation, while in some other geographical regions; Prince2 Certification enjoys a higher reputation. Hence, it is important that you conduct proper research on the same before moving ahead with a particular certification. Generally, the USA, Canada, and the Middle East prefer PMP certified project managers; the UK and Europe prefer Prince2 certification. In Australia, both certifications enjoy a relatively same degree of reputation.

Image: Adeshjain45/Wikimedia Commons

·    Examination Cost

Generally, the cost of sitting in the PMP certification examination is more as compared to Prince2 certification. For the members of PMI, the cost for giving PMP certification examination is $405 while for the non-members it is $555. The cost of sitting in the Prince2 certification though varies according to the region, is considerably less than the cost of PMP certification examination.

·    Prerequisites

If you wish to sit for the PMP certification examination, you require fulfilling certain prerequisites.

·       A secondary degree (high school diploma, associate’s degree or the global equivalent)

·       7,500 hours leading and directing projects

·       35 hours of project management education


·       A four-year degree

·       4,500 hours leading and directing projects

·       35 hours of project management education

However, if we speak about the Prince2 certification, there are no such prerequisites formally laid out. But, people do recommend having a considerable amount of experience and knowledge of the field of project management. Moreover, there is a Prince2 Foundation and a Prince2 Practitioner certification examination. As you can guess, for giving the Prince2 Practitioner certification examination, you must pass the Prince2 Foundation certification first.

·       The Initiation

It is undoubtedly true, that when you decide to go ahead with a particular certification you have to commit yourself to the same and take time out from your busy professional schedule in order to prepare for the examination and undergo training for the same. Hence, it is very important that you take into account these factors before going ahead with a particular certification.

If we speak about PMP, the training cost involved is more and the training is tougher as compared to the Prince2 certification. However, if we speak about the Prince2 certification, there are two levels of certifications for the same; Prince2 Foundation and Prince2 Practitioner. You can begin a lot easier, as compared to PMP, with the Prince2 Foundation certification. After acquiring the foundation certification, you can decide whether you wish to go ahead with the practitioner certification or not.

Moreover, as you have read above, the PMP certification examination comes with a host of prerequisites. Therefore, if you are just beginning out in the field of project management, you have no choice other than going for the Prince2 certification.

Image: NASA/Wikimedia Commons

·       The Maintenance.

You require committing yourself more if you go ahead with the PMP certification as you require attaining 60 PDUs or Professional Development Units every three years. On the other hand, there is no concept of renewals with the Prince2 foundation certification. Prince2 Practitioner certification does require renewal.  It is valid for only 5 years. Therefore, Prince2 professionals have to give the Practitioner Certification again after 3-5 years of their previous Practitioner certification.

·       Networking Opportunities

If you fulfill the necessary prerequisites for sitting in a PMP certification examination and are going ahead with the same, people do recommend becoming a member of Project Management International (PMI). This is because by becoming a member of PMI, you get the highly sought-after opportunity to interact with the professionals having similar qualifications. It is needless to mention over here that these people can help you a lot in the field of project management.  In the case of Prince2 certification, you do not get to enjoy such a good deal of networking opportunity and interactions.

·       Time for obtaining the certification

Speaking about the time required to obtain a particular certification, the same is, indeed, more for PMP certification. You can obtain Prince2 Foundation certification quickly, but it takes time and efforts for obtaining a PMP certification. Moreover, in the case of Prince2 certification examination, there are no complicated registration and audit processes for your application, but in the case of PMP certification examination, these processes definitely exist. Therefore if you have less time in your hand, you will be better off going with the Prince2 certification.

Can you go ahead with both certifications?

If you have the required experience and fulfill the necessary prerequisites, we will recommend going ahead with the PMP certification as it indeed enjoys a significantly higher reputation as compared to Prince2 certification examination. Since sitting for a PMP certification requires you to fulfil the prerequisites, as listed above in this post, acquiring a PMP certification displays your experience, knowledge, professionalism, and the ability to take on any kind of project management related challenges to the prospective employers or to your immediate boss/manager in the organization, which you are currently working in.

However, if you are new to the field of project management and want to obtain a certification, we recommend going ahead with Prince2 certification as it will help showcase your potential, confidence, and the willingness to take on the project management related challenges. Moreover, you will obtain a handsome amount of knowledge that will, definitely, aid and assist you in taking on the critical project management issues with ease.

Now, coming to the question of whether you can go ahead with both certifications or not. Well! There is no stopping from doing both the certifications. If you wish and fulfill the necessary prerequisites, you can go ahead with both Prince2 and PMP certification. This will impart you with the necessary abilities and give you a complete view of the project management scenario. However, there does exist a difference between terminologies and techniques between the two certifications. Hence, it is important that you do not get confused at the time of applying and using the techniques on real-time project management scenarios.

Final Words – Prince2 Certification Vs PMP Certification

We hope you are now clear and be able to apply the points mentioned above in taking a decision between Prince2 certification and PMP certification. Any kind of questions and queries, that you might have, you are welcome to ask.

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