Home News Scottish justice secretary branded “national embarrassment” after “Yer da sells Avon” joke

Scottish justice secretary branded “national embarrassment” after “Yer da sells Avon” joke


THE Scottish justice secretary has been trolled online after aiming an “infantile” joke at a political rival.

Humza Yousaf adapted the “Yer da sells Avon” insult in a message aimed at Murdo Fraser, the Scottish Conservative finance spokesman.

Fraser tweeted a message yesterday evening (wed) about children dressing up for World Book Day.

Yousaf retweeted the message, adding: “Is Avon a book? Because Murdo has come dressed as yer da.”

Humza Yousef has faced backlash over this tweet

The joke has backfired spectacularly with social media users lining up to condemn Yousaf as a “national embarraassment”.

@AgentP22 said under his post: “What an embarrassing tweet. You need to grow up as you are coming over as a right idiot.”

@SeparatistWatch wrote: “How old are you? You tweet like a petulant child.”

@MajorMurmer added: “FFS, in all seriousness you are a Government Minister. This is toe-curlingly embarrassing.”

Many are embarrassed by his dig

@rowrighter said: “Should we be surprised at this ‘dumbing down’ given the infantilism from Cabinet Ministers like you.”

?@DMcCHill wrote: “You are the Secretary for Justice so behave, or try to behave, as such. This juvenile tweet certainly doesn’t help.”

@Jintyf posted: “People deserve and expect a certain level of competency in their elected officials.

However, others found it amusing

“No matter which party you support we all pay tax that pays this man’s salary.

“Tbh ..He does tweets some very childish comments which says a lot about how much regard he holds as a Justice Minister.”

AnneNougat1959 posted: “This individual here is apparently an Official Scottish Government Minister – have a good look at his twitter timeline.

“It’s infantile to say the least – his party the SNP will tell the world they are an inclusive and progressive party – nothing short of a national embarrassment.”

The Scottish Justice Secretary has been branded “childish”

Others backed the minister’s sense of humour.

@Cruithneach said: “Bravo, Humza – genuinely laughed out loud at that.”

@SPECIAL_DE posted: “touché Humza touché. Lol.”

@smiddythediddy said: “belter”

Murdo Fraser has declined to comment

@VTWIN02431446 added: “Haha tweet of the day.”

Fraser’s original tweet read: “Tomorrow is World Book Day 2019. Kids across the land go to school dressed as Superheroes and Disney Princesses in the forlorn hope that this is something to do with literature.”

Murdo Fraser declined to comment.

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