Home News Moggy mayhem as “crazy” cat ambushes Staffy in road, leaving owner flat...

Moggy mayhem as “crazy” cat ambushes Staffy in road, leaving owner flat on his back


AMAZING footage shows a “crazy” cat attack a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and its owner in the street.

The fiesty feline’s assault is so sudden and determined it leaves the Staffy owner lying flat on his back in the middle of the street.

The moggy ambush, which happened in Stourbridge, West Midlands, on March 24, was filmed by Simon Hart.

Simon posted his clip online with the caption: “ Crazy cat attacks Staffy and owner.”

The clip begins with the owner and the Staffy walking outside Simon’s house on the other side of the road.

However, after seeing something the owner decides to take the dog around the car, while pulling his Staffy away.

Suddenly a black cat appears out from behind the car, charges at the Staffy and owner. It then jumps on to the owner’s legs after he tries to kick it away.

Simon, 43, can be heard saying: “That is a cat and a Staffy”.

The owner can be seen painfully trying to get the cat off of his leg while trying to keep his dog under control.

The owner suddenly is pulled to the ground as his dog attempts to counterattack.

The cat launched at the ownr of the Staffy who tried to keep his dog away

He can then be seen kicking the air trying to get rid of the cat, which is jumping over him and attacking.

A neighbour can be seen struggling to help the helpless dog owner as he tries to shoo the cat away.

The Staffy helplessly makes the situation worse for the owner by trying to scare the cat away from his owner by attacking it.

The cat then suddenly runs away before charging at the owner and the Staffy once they are standing up again.

The owner nearly falls over again as the Staffy begins to run away from the feral cat that runs past the both of them.

The clip ends with the owner walking away in the same direction after the cat has fled the scene.

Annemarie Bentley wrote under Simon’s post: “That cat needs some prozac. It’s f*****g crazy.”

Kay Wake said: “If it was the other way round the staff would have been put to sleep. F*****g cats are c***s.”

Kyle Michael said: “Holy f***. The cat almost knocked the c*** out.”

The cat and the Staffy try to fight whilst the owner is on the ground

Tracy Taylor added: “Not even funny. My Staffy was attacked by a cat and she nearly lost her eye, if that was another way round police would have destroyed that dog and classed it as dangerous.

“I’d have let the dog off as I don’t like seeing any pet hurt but that cat is unsafe.”

Speaking today Simon said: “I’ve never seen anything like it before from a normal moggy. Everyone involved is fine. I’ve seen the cat a few times. I think it lives opposite a few doors down.

“One of my kids heard the commotion and said a guy was on the road with his dog being attacked by a cat. So when I got back home I played my cctv back to see the footage.”

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