Home News Heart-stopping moment reckless driver just avoids head-on smash with car carrying kids

Heart-stopping moment reckless driver just avoids head-on smash with car carrying kids


HEART-stopping video shows an overtaking driver narrowly avoid crashing head-on into a car carrying children.

One viewer of the shocking footage, filmed in Cumbria yesterday (tue), said it was the closest near miss they had seen.

The speeding driver seemed to be totally unfazed by their brush with death and can be seen in the clip accelerating into the distance.

The dashcam footage was captured by a driver, who wishes to remain anonymous, on the B5300 between Allonby and Maryport at about 6:30pm.

The driver filming the action on their dash cam said it the incident could have been “dreadful”

The driver posted the video to a closed Facebook group later that day saying “B5300 coast road this evening – gave me quite a turn.”

The clip shows the driver on a narrow country road going around 50mph with traffic approaching him on the opposite lane.

Suddenly, a blue Ford appears on the right side of the dash cam driver’s car and daringly overtakes just before the oncoming vehicles drive pass.

A car horn can be heard screeching as all the vehicles zoom by with the blue Ford darting away from the dash cam driver.

The video has stunned many people in the comments over just how close the near miss came to a major accident.

One viewer of the footage said: “Closest I’ve ever seen.”

One commenter said: “F****** hell. I was waiting for something to happen with the oncoming traffic and then s*** myself when that came past!”

A second commenter added: “Closest I’ve ever seen, f*** me!”

A third commenter wrote: “For f***’s sake, made me jump. How utterly irresponsible, should have their license taken off them that could have been carnage.”

Another commenter said: “What a complete disregard for any other road users, at best the driver will kill themselves at worse they will kill others. Should report that one. They don’t deserve to have a licence.”

The driver today said that he was shocked at just how close he came to being involved in an accident.

The driver filming said the footage gave him “quite a turn.”

The driver said: “[I was] stunned. I didn’t see him coming, but it was clear the oncoming car certainly did! I was amazed how he didn’t hit something or someone, and on replay even more amazed – there doesn’t seem to be enough room!”

The driver believed that a crash could have been devastating.

He added: “I think it might be worth identifying the vehicle who would have taken the impact head on, he had kids in the car I think. [It] Could have been dreadful.”

Asked if the Ford came within inches of the driver’s car, he replied: “I think less, I was surprised I wasn’t hit. I suspect the vehicle oncoming braked sufficiently to create a gap, because you can observe my speed does not change.”

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