Home Partner Posts Can You Play the Lottery Online in the UK?

Can You Play the Lottery Online in the UK?

Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

You do just about everything on your computer or mobile phone. You chat with friends and family, order food, play games, take and share selfies, pay bills, check your calendar, apply for jobs, and so much more. So, can you play the lottery online in the UK too?

Yes, you can play the lottery any time online! You do not have to worry about getting to a licensed retailer before they close for the evening, getting intercepted by a chatty neighbor, or having to keep track of a small piece of paper.

A story of forgetfulness

Imagine this likely scenario. You hear the jackpot prize for the lottery is getting huge and you decide to buy a lotto ticket for the fun of it. You purchase your ticket, put it in your pocket, and head home. The lotto draw isn’t for a few days so now all you can do is wait. Life gets busy with work, family, friends, and everything else going on and you don’t think about the ticket again until it is time for the big day.

The day of the drawing you remember, “Oh yeah, I bought a ticket the other day. I should check and see if I have winning numbers.”

Then you begin to wonder, “Wait, which pocket did I put that lotto ticket in? Which pants did I have on that day?”

Slowly, reality dawns on you. You just washed the pants you were wearing when you bought the ticket and you didn’t check your pockets first. You rush to get your pants, hoping against hope that the ticket has not been reduced to a ball of illegible paper. You find it. Your shoulders slump. Your lotto ticket is a muddled mess of greyed paper fiber, like most of your receipts.   

Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

The good news is you can play the lottery online in the UK!

Are you forgetful? Would you misplace your head if it was not securely attached to your body? Do you rely on automatic bill pay to pay your bills, automatic sprinklers to water your plants, and automatic heat from your pre-programmed thermostat? You’re not alone. With our busy lives these days, it is hard to juggle everything and to remember all the tiny details.

Luckily, many lottery providers now make it easy to play the lottery online, where there’s no way to lose your ticket or send it through the washing machine. From national lotteries to small society lotteries, you can safely and securely purchase tickets and check on the status of the lotto from your computer or mobile phone. Some even have auto debit options so you can make sure you never miss an opportunity to play your lucky numbers again.

As an added bonus, many of the society lotteries support good causes with the money from each ticket purchased. That means you can support causes you care about, add a little excitement to your day, and maybe even win a substantial prize with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Next time you decide to buy a lotto ticket, consider playing online instead of washing your potential winnings down the drain. Just be sure you choose a site that is regulated and licensed by the UK Gambling Commission.

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