Home Partner Posts Promoting Non-profit Organizations with Digital Signage

Promoting Non-profit Organizations with Digital Signage

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

There are over 1.6 million non-profit organizations in the US. Foundations, charities, social advocacy groups, welfare or veteran’s organizations, retirement funds.

However, only a handful of those millions have an adequate promotion, most of the philanthropic organizations that depend on contributors or those with governmental or grant funding and need to get their message across are rarely seen or heard.

These are exactly the cases where digital signage thrives. DS is ideal attention-getting technology for the non-profits, it is visually loud, memorable and impossible to miss.

For those announcements in need of immediate assistance or quickly inspired action, nothing can beat a digital signage display.

Visual campaigns were always the heart of non-profits.

Powerful visuals can easily attract and engage a large number of people, trigger emotions and even lead to a behavioral change or attitude shift. 

Over the years we’ve witnessed the remarkable and seriously effective visual campaigns have on people.

We were all stunned by the UK’s Save the Children video that projected the life of a child in a war-torn Syria on to a little girl from the UK communicating a profound statement: “Just because it isn’t happening here, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.”

The video got the message across with more than 62 million views. The “Know the signs” program that began after the tragic 2014 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, with a goal of providing programs that protect children from similar senseless tragedies made us all aware of the potentially violent behavior.

Virtual reality ad for Pencils of Promise managed to transport all of us to a small classroom in Ghana and illustrate the ways education is benefiting one community.

The VR video has raised $1.9 million within a year of its release. We’ve seen tons of visual inspiration online, now, just imagine pairing all of that creativity with a huge billboard and quality digital signage. Charities will be unstoppable.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Before we go further, let’s discuss the staples: it all starts with professional DS soft.

I rarely, or ever, come across a DS software that can be described as an irresistible.

Usually, you always end up paying for too many unnecessary features and functions.

But, I’m pretty sure this one might come close: Kitcast professional digital signage software for non-profits. 

We call it the no-nonsense DS software.  It is set up in 4 easy steps, highly intuitive and requires no additional training, though you will be offered web, phone support, and video tutorials.

On top of that, they offer all of the necessary features and functions, the software can be integrated with the main SM platforms and they have the most beautiful customizable template designs. Feel free to check them out: https://Kitcast.tv/.

So, on to the non-profit promotion with DS! Sometimes the best promotion starts in-house. 

A lot of non-profits in the US are understaffed and underfunded, by introducing digital signage you will be able to address both of those problems.

First – the staff: there is no need for the overworked staff to take time and answer questions, conduct surveys, analyze data, collect contact information, etc.  

Digital signage is perfect for all of it. The screen can be mounted in a lobby, in a waiting room, charities often mount the screen right on side of their buildings.

With just a push of a button, you can deploy video ads, run surveys, schedule rotation of the information. Interactive digital signage screens are perfect for explaining the cause and taking donations.

Plus, by offering advertising space to local businesses you will be able to cover the equipment and  DS soft cost and eventually even extra money.

 A lot of non-profits use DS to display donor recognition photo gallery or list contributors, organization use screens to list the needed aid after a natural disaster, hospitals display announcements to find potential donors.

You can do a lot for non-profit promotion with just a screen and good digital signage.

Using videos with digital signage for the promotion of non-profit causes is always a great idea.

Generally, videos for nonprofits are memorable, the trick is getting people to watch them.

Putting them on a huge digital billboard, on a bus stop in the metro, inside shopping malls makes them impossible to ignore. We saw a great example of non-profit and DOOH with the “She Too” digital wall, a visual campaign designed to obtain on-the-spot donations.  

Digital donation wall with the “Tap-to-donate” panel did a great job spreading the message about the March4Women initiative to overcome poverty and discrimination for women and girls in developing countries and has managed to successfully give people the option to donate to the cause then and there. 

Promote interactively. Interactive digital screens are a very effective and memorable way of promoting your non-profit initiatives.

One of the best examples of the interactive DOOH was the Women’s Aid “Look at me” campaign.

The campaign was launched to teach people not to ignore domestic violence.

Huge interactive digital screens featured a picture of a woman with bruises on her face.

If someone would stop and look at the picture – the injuries would immediately start to fade and altogether disappear.

Results of the WA campaign were on the very impressive side of things: people spent 349% more time looking at the poster in comparison to the previous average for the chosen billboards.

And campaign saw 86.7 million impressions on Twitter alone. An amazing example of non-profit cause promotion with digital signage.

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