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Parents send travelling daughter hilarious snaps of her precious childhood teddy on a wild night out


PRANKING parents sent their travelling daughter hilarious pictures of her babyhood teddy bear on a very grown-up night out.

Robyn Duncan, 20, has had Frizzles since birth and decided it was safer to leave the pampered teddy behind when she flew out to Australia.

So the paralegal from Aberdeen got the shock her life when her mum and dad posted pictures of Frizzles’ first night on the town – including copious amounts of alcohol and a mysterious line of white powder.

Robyn Duncan 20 left her childhood bear for the first time when she went to Australia

After waking up to the snaps on Sunday, Robyn posted them online with the caption: “I was too scared to take my teddy that I’ve had since I was born with me to Australia in case I lost him.

“Now thinking I maybe should of after waking up to these.”

The pictures show how initially the teddy was fairly sensible as he was “out for a drive with Mum and Dad”.

He is then snapped in a local restaurant watching the Scottish Cup final and trying to decide what to choose off the menu.

However, Frizzles then appears to start properly enjoying himself, with pictures showing having a beer and “having a gin with auntie Sooz”.

Robyn’s parents sent her pictures of the teddy enjoying being out in the town for the first time

Following this, things go dramatically downhill. Frizzles is seen using a rolled up banknote to snort a line of white powder.

The message sent with the picture reads: “Let’s get this party started.”

A message from Dad, Graeme, 42, the following day said: “Frizzles is a party animal, couldn’t get him to bed, he wanted to party all night.”

More pictures show the teddy bear on day two of his adventures pictured shopping, at the cinema and even behind the counter at McDonald’s.

The post also attracted several comments who loved the pictures of Frizzles on his night out with Graeme and her mum, Kelly, 43.

Frizzles is seen using a rolled up banknote to snort a line of white powder.

@alanamcsherax said: “I’m so glad I’m not the only one with a bear, these pictures are priceless.”

@KerryGeerthsen commented: “I have a bear too. Took him everywhere. I still take him if I’m going to stay at my nans, but he sits by my bedside. He is first thing packed and first thing out.”

@InleBlack1 said: “I have exactly the same problem with my bear Boop. I want him with me everywhere, but would literally die if anything happened to him.”

More pictures show the teddy bear on day two of his adventures pictured shopping, at the cinema and even behind the counter at McDonald’s.

@coco0chanel_ appearing to tag a family member, commented: “You/Sam/my Dad if I ever left beary bear.”

Speaking today, Robyn revealed she was slightly “taken aback” to see her teddy bear she’s had since birth taking the line of powder, but saw the funny side.

She said: “I just woke up one morning and had all these messages from my mum.

“I was quite shocked at first and was taken aback about taking the line, but was then told that was my uncle’s idea.

“I didn’t expect this from them at all, but I cried with laughter when I saw the pictures.”

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