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Fan-crashtic Mr Fox! Bizarre moment animal gets inside Poundstretcher and attacks window display


BIZARRE video shows a Poundstretcher store window display being trashed – by a fox.

The animal managed to get in to a store in the Wood Green area of the capital and set about wrecking a display of fans.

The fox is seen dragging one away from the window while tattered boxes and scraps of ripped cardboard lie about the floor.

The video was posted online on Saturday by Rupert de Renzy-Martin who captioned the clip: “Foxy got into Poundland.”

The fox was spotted on Friday morning

Rupert, 39, confirms in the comments of his post that it was his roommate who originally captured the bizarre moment. He said: “Wasn’t actually my video, was my housemate’s.

“The shop was about to open so no doubt he got free very shortly after the video. I’d just love to know how he got in there.”

The fox appears to have grabbed hold of a selection of items behind the display window of the shop and has scattered them all over the floor.

After moving another electric fan, the clip then captures the fox standing on its mess looking out of the window at the witnesses.

The animal decided to destroy electric fans in the window display

It then jumps down from the boxes and proceeds to walk to the back of the shop out of view when the clip ends.

The video has received large online reaction from viewers who have suggested the animal was destroying the items because it was trying to find a way out.

Boudicca Rising said: “Has someone called a rescue for this fox?”

Natasha Fletcher wrote: “Poor thing. It looks terrified. Did someone get help to get it out?”

It is understood the fox did get out safely when the store opened

Claire Holsburt pleaded: “Please call an animal rescue.”

However, some viewers were not as bothered about the welfare of the animal and made jokes about its choice of products to damage.

Theresa Jones said: “I think the fox totally improved the window display. Hope he gets a pay rise.”

Becky Button wrote: “It’s so hot the fox needs a couple of fans for the family.”

The scene was put online on Saturday

And Ronning Rossvoll commented: “Why are none of the staff helping him? Clearly this customer is having trouble reaching the fan he wants, can’t get the staff these days!”

Another viewer said: “Foxes are so curious. I have had them come right into the house when I have left doors or windows wide open in hot weather!”

Speaking today Rupert said: “My friend was on his way to work on Friday morning when this was happening. I’m very animal friendly so I was concerned how it got there but I must stress the shop opened about ten minutes later so it would have been freed.”

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