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Theft and bail bonds – The various types of thefts that need a bail

Photo by David von Diemar on Unsplash

Crime and legal order are part of our society! Sometimes, it’s the criminals that commit a crime and sometimes an average individual. There are also instances, where a common man is also held guilty for no fault of his.  Theft is one of the major crimes that can make a person stay behind bars for a specific time. Burglaries can occur from petty pickpocket crimes to stealing huge capital from reputed brands as well as wealthy individuals. And when an innocent person is made guilty of theft, it’s essential to fight the case at hand legally and prove the person innocent.

Photo by David von Diemar on Unsplash

However, first comes the bail bond! The defendant’s family can’t see their loved one suffering in jail for no fault. Hence, they decide to opt-in for a bail bond. They can access the bail bond through a bail bondsman or a bail bond company. To know more on this, you can get in touch with bail bond Columbus Ohio

However, before you apply for bail, you should know about the thefts which need a bond. Discussed below are the important ones:

  • A petty robbery

It is often called shoplifting! This crime takes place frequently, and mostly, the youth is held responsible for this. According to the law, any commodity which is priced more than $500 by intimidation, deception or force is a crime. If anyone tries to own that commodity bypassing the owner’s approval, it is theft. All petty thefts have a specific fixed amount as their bail amount. When you pay this amount, you can save your loved one from spending a night at the jail. Other than the youth, people who commit this crime are people who have kleptomaniac traits. In such a situation, the person after release gets to undergo specialized therapy.

  • A big theft

Simply put, a significant robbery or a grand burglary gets considered as a fourth-degree felony! This crime takes place when a person has stolen a property which approximates close to $7,500 and $150,000. Some of the critical instances of the stolen property in a big theft case comprise of dangerous weapons, firearms, cars, and other motor vehicles. Instances of a significant theft include thieves and burglars breaking showrooms and display sections, to steal an electrical appliance, a brand new car, electrical goods from a shopping mall and the like.

  • Aggravated theft 

You can consider it as one of the most severe theft forms! It also classified as the fourth-degree felony. And this indicates that the stolen property will range between $150,000 and $750,000. It includes financial crimes that take place in the corporate landscape. The bail amount isn’t pre-determined. The 10% of the bail amount you need to pay will get fixed based on the defendant’s crime.  It might vary from aggravated one theft case to the other. 

These are some of the essential theft types for which you can apply for the bail. However, it’s always better to seek the guidance of a lawyer when you are opting for this bail bond. The lawyers can refer to the best bail bondsman and agents who do their job well and on right time.

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