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Picture shows rock hurled from motorway bridge lodged in windscreen just inches from HGV driver’s head

HORRIFYING pictures show a rock thrown from a motorway bridge lodged in an HGV windscreen just inches from the driver’s head.
The deadly missile was thrown yesterday (tue) by four youngsters from a bridge over the M62 near Huyton, Merseyside.
Police are hunting for the gang and have appealed to drivers for dashcam footage that could provide clues.
Photos show the damage caused by the youths who dropped the rock from Coney Lane Bridge at about 2pm.
The pictures show the rock protruding out of the smashed HGV windscreen.
The pictures were posted by the Merseyside Police Roads Policing Unit saying: “Parents, do you know what your children are upto? Some in Huyton have been throwing rocks off motorway bridges, luckily this HGV driver suffered no injuries on this occasion. A car wouldn’t have been so fortunate.”
The rock in the windscreen.
The rock in question, lodged in the windscreen.
The group later posted an update revealing the culprits had still not been caught.
Merseyside Police Roads Policing Unit posted: “Despite best efforts, offenders not caught. Do you have dash cam footage? Occurred approx 2pm on M62 at CONEY LANE bridge. Four youths. This could’ve been so much worse. The driver is very shaken but ok.”
One picture shows the large rock wedged into the windscreen with glass fragments scattered across the dashboard.
A second photo shows how the rock came within feet of hitting the HGV driver behind the wheel.
Photos from the outside the HGV shows the extent of the damage caused by the rock.
One half of the entire windscreen is shattered after the impact of the rock.
The photos have shocked many in the comments with some branding the incident as
attempted murder.
@GSDUK said: “Attempted murder in my eyes.”
@mike_jms added: “Anyone caught doing this should be prosecuted for attempted murder, regardless of age.”
@jjb_1970 wrote: “Absolutely disgusting. If caught, they should be charged with attempted murder.”
@carsey1961 said: “We need to start charging the parents alongside the children and force them to take responsibility.”
@sierracharley60 added: “Where do these idiots get their brains from. This could leave you with a criminal record for either murder or attempted murder and one of the victims could be a member of your own family. Don’t throw anything over or off a bridge where any moving vehicle is travelling.”
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