Home Partner Posts Moving house? What you need to know about fire safety

Moving house? What you need to know about fire safety

Image: Piotr Chrobot on Unsplash

Every time that you move to a new home you need to familiarise yourself with fire safety procedures and to make sure that you know what to do to prevent a fire as well as how to react if there is ever one at the property.

It is unfortunate, but fires can often occur but can be prevented with the right knowledge and a little care.

Landlord Responsibilities

First, it is important to know what responsibilities your landlord has so that you can check that the home is safe. The landlord must provide smoke alarms, repair any problems with gas or electricity and make sure that any appliances are safe.

Fire extinguisher
Image: Piotr Chrobot on Unsplash

There needs to be a smoke alarm on each floor of the property and a carbon monoxide detector in any room with a coal fire or wood-burning stove, but they are also recommended if you have gas heating.

Electrical Fire Safety

In today’s day and age, electrical fire is one of the most common household hazards and one that you need to know how to prevent. This includes looking out for damaged wiring, sockets which do not work or any loose plugs/torn cables. You should also avoid overloading a socket with too many plugs and unplug appliances when not in use.

Gas Safety

Gas safety is incredibly important in the home for fire purposes but also to avoid gas leaks and carbon monoxide poisoning. Your landlord should arrange regular checks but you should always contact them immediately if you have any concerns over gas safety.

General Fire Safety

There are also other important steps to take to promote fire safety in a rented property. First, you need to make sure that the building has a fire exit plan in terms of escape routes and that there are smoke ventilation systems in place from places like Rocburn Limited.

You also need to make sure that you regularly test the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms and make sure that you have access to a fire extinguisher. If you have concerns over fire safety in your rented property and your landlord will not deal with these risks then you need to ask your local council for support.

The importance of fire safety cannot be overstated and anytime that you move into a rented property you need to make sure that the landlord has made the property safe. Additionally, you need to make sure that you know how to reduce the chance of a fire, what to look out for and how to react in case of a fire.

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