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New Tool for Quick DNS Lookup

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

There are plenty of ways to find DNS records. The most common being command-line methods which require technical skills and experience.

You get all the necessary data with command-line methods, but it’s a bit of a headache; it takes loads of time, and there’s no coherent structure to the data. 

With all the modern developments in the field of cybersecurity, using command-line methods is a bit “old school.”

Today we’ll explore a simplified way of finding DNS records, specifically by using the DNStable tool.

This is a new tool created by Spyse which lets you find DNS records by Domain, IP, and CIDR, giving the latest and most accurate data on DNS records. With Spyse, the broad data you usually get with command-line methods is well-structured and enriched by other Spyse services. It can also be downloaded for further exploration. 

In addition to this, using DNStable gives you access to other handy Spyse services which greatly enrich the collected data. It’s like switching cars from an old Toyota to a shiny new Tesla.

DNS Lookup Tool for Security Experts

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DNStable is straightforward to use. Spyse has worked to make its tools accessible to both security professionals and mere mortals. Apart from aiding more prominent companies in protecting their infrastructure, their tools can be efficiently utilized by grassroots startups and single entrepreneurs looking to make a profit on the web.

This tool is for you if you’re a:

  • A specialist working in the field of cybersecurity
  • Pentester seeking to protect your organization’s network
  • System administrator monitoring the state of their network
  • A new start-up looking to avoid idea theft or hacker attacks
  • Blogger or Internet hustler managing your site and business

Let’s look at broader examples.

Security Engineers

This tool lets security engineers seek out vulnerable endpoints in their networks. It’s a for-sure way to prevent cyber-threats, constantly monitor domain settings, stay aware of unauthorized access attempts to your DNS settings, traffic redirection, and other domain threats.


With DNStable, life can be a dream. This tool speeds up the workflow of Pentesters, giving them a birds-eye-view over targeted DNS records. There is no quicker way to identify possible DNS records vulnerabilities.

System Administrators

Sysadmins can freely monitor their network and use the DNStable tool to protect their business infrastructures from various security breach attempts. Admins can use the tool to make sure that all servers are stable and take preventive measures to avoid attacks.

Spyse Ecosystem

What makes Spyse so great is the interconnectedness of their tools. In addition to the DNS lookup service, you can use other Spyse tools to enrich your data significantly and get a full view of your network. There are six tools in the Spyse ecosystem, currently functioning in beta test mode:

  • DNSlookup – the tool we’ve discussed above;
  • CertDB – SSL/TLS certificates lookup service – a service which gives you info on certificate expiration dates, certificate issuers, and more;
  • FindSubdomains – Lets you find and explore all subdomains of any domain;
  • Portmap – Lets you find and scan all open ports and map your network perimeters; a super handy port checker tool;
  • ParseIP – Use this tool to parse a text or any other file for IP’s and domains.
  • ASlookup – Look through Autonomous Systems and Subnets of your company or any other existing company.

The main idea of Spyse is to take all the complicated cybersecurity jazz and make it available to humans. The tools are super easy to use, and they implement filters to help you sort your data. This is just a small part of what’s to come.

If you’re new to Spyse, they give you 3 free credits which you can use on any service. You also receive one free credit per month, so you’re free to try out their services right now.

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