Home News Bizarre moment phantom pumpkin pincher strikes caught on security video

Bizarre moment phantom pumpkin pincher strikes caught on security video

The thief also smashed the family's pumpkin

BIZARRE video shows a thief steal a pumpkin collection from a front garden before returning to smash the final fruit.

The four pumpkins were left out to entertain trick or treaters in Cannock, Staffordshire, last night.

But a mystery man was caught on a security camera stealing three of the pumpkins on two separate visits.

The lurker then returned and stamped on the fourth pumpkin, which had been transformed into a “blackboard”.

The pumpkins were carved and decorated by nurse Marie Price-Franks, 24, her partner Ceiran Milsom, 23, and their five-year-old daughter Luna.

Marie posted on social media: “Some absolute scum. My family’s pumpkins thrown and smashed.

“They have taken my six month old baby’s dummy that she has had since she was a baby.

If this is you, you should be ashamed. There were sweets still in those pumpkins for the trick or treaters and someone has just stolen them, and booted them in.

“What a rotten world we live in.”

The clip shows a hooded man walking along the pavement before suddenly pouncing on the sitting pumpkins.

The man picks one up, spooking a cat that runs under a car. The man runs away with the pumpkin.

He then returns and steals two more sitting side by side before once again running away.

The thug returns for a third time. This time faced with the chalkboard pumpkin which he stomps over, tearing the pumpkin apart. The man then sprints off.

Amie Clare Louise asked in her posted response: “What is wrong with people seriously.”

The thief also smashed the family’s pumpkin

Jessica Broomhall added: “Horrible horrible b******!”

Charlie Farlie wrote: “Senseless brain-dead scum bags. Can’t reason with d***heads like that.”

Grace Preece said: “That’s awful. Poor cat looked scared too. Absolute wrong’un!”

Marie said today “I’m not sure why anyone would want to steal a pumpkin. Especially as it isn’t a younger child who is trying to impress their friends.

“She put a lot of effort making hand made decorations and faces on the pumpkins. We also made a baby pumpkin for our six-month-old daughter, and used her dummy to decorate the pumpkin which she has had since she was born.”

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