Home Business Bank offers free puppy sessions in branch to soothe stressed students

Bank offers free puppy sessions in branch to soothe stressed students

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Barclays bank are to trial new ‘puppy sessions’ aimed at helping stressed out students.

The appointments will allow students to cuddle and play with a litter of puppies while receiving practical guidance on how to budget effectively for student life.

Research from Barclays suggests that money worries are negatively impacting various aspects of students’ lives, with 83% worried they will run out of money in their first term.

More than two in five students revealed they find managing money one of the most stressful parts of their whole university experience.

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Interacting with animals has been proven to help reduce stress levels, which combined with Barclays advice services hopes to soothe some of these worries.

Included in the service is a discussion with one of the Barclays Money Mentors team, a specially trained group of money experts dedicated to helping people across the country take control of their money.

The service is being trialled in the Barclays branch at St Ann’s Square in Manchester, with sessions available between 12pm and 3pm on Thursday 21st November.

Pip Landers-Letts, Head of Youth, Student & Graduate Propositions at Barclays said: “Moving away from home to attend university is a hugely exciting time but too many young people are having their experience affected by money worries.

“Our research found that nearly two thirds (63 per cent) of students admit they thought it would be easier to manage their money at university than it is so we want to make sure that when they need help, there’s a clear place to turn – and that is why we’ve introduced both our Money Mentors service and our new trial of the puppy sessions.

“We hope the service will help reduce students’ stress levels and encourage them to open up to us about any money concerns they might have, within a safe – and fluffy – space.”

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