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UK’s most Spinal Tap teenager stayed at gig for 75 minutes after fracturing skull


BRITAIN’S most Spinal Tap teenager stayed at a rock gig for 75 minutes after fracturing his skull and suffering a bleed on his brain.

Morgan Gabbott fell off his friend’s shoulders and faceplanted the floor just 15 minutes into the show by Catfish and the Bottlemen.

But the 17-year-old, who also suffered a broken nose and vision problems, refused to get medical help before the show in Liverpool on Sunday ended.

The only “medical help” Morgan, from Warrington, Cheshire, received before heading to hospital was when his friend “popped his nose back in”.

Hilarious pictures show the student on the shoulders of his 6ft tall pal, James Mckenna, before disaster struck.

Morgan Cabot top on his friend’s shoulder James McKenna

Not-so-hilarious pictures show the teenager bloodied and battered in hospital wearing a neckbrace and strap across his forehead.

Morgan, who is still being treated at Liverpool Royal Infirmary as a precaution, decided to share the experience on social media.

He tweeted a photo with the caption: “Catfish and the Bottlemen 1-0 me.”

The post has prompted awe from social media users who were stunned at Morgan’s commitment to the gig.

@youmemmatsix wrote: “Now that is dedication.”

@Jordddd_ added: “Jeez. Champ for carrying on and enjoying Catfish. Wishing you a speedy recovery.”

@Rauer_2 commented: “Hardest man in the world.”

And Luke Gidman said: “People moaning about lighting a few cigarettes and this man’s fractured his skull and gets on with it – fair play mate.”

Speaking today, Morgan said: “I asked my friend if I could go on their shoulders for one of the songs and when I asked to be put down I fell forward off the top of them and smashed my face into the ground.

“I originally didn’t think there was anything too severe wrong with me, I think the adrenaline took over.

“As the gig went on the more aware I was of how unwell I was feeling.

“When the gig finished my two friends took me to the medical centre in the venue.

“I still didn’t think anything was too serious, I just thought it was a head che and wanted to avoid the fuss.

Morgan Gabbott fell off his friend’s shoulders and faceplanted the floor just 15 minutes into the show

“But they insisted that I stayed to have more tests because my heart rate was alarming.

“Again the longer i stayed the more aware of how hurt I was and I agreed to be taken to the Royal Infirmary in Liverpool.

“It was here they diagnosed a fractured skull and a bleed on the brain.

“My friends have been really supportive. They were telling me to go to the medical centre as soon as it happened actually, because they saw how hard I hit my head.

“However I stubbornly told them that I would go after the gig because I didn’t want to miss anything.

“I’m still in a lot of pain and currently in the hospital for precaution probably until the end of the week.

“The gig was unbelievable though, worth the pain.”

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