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No strings with “puppet” facelift requiring no surgery or downtime

Patient who had puppet facelift one year after procedure


Glasgow cosmetic specialist Dr Q
Dr Usman Qureshi, cosmetic specialist known as Dr Q

A REMARKABLE new treatment which uses hidden threads to permanently lift a patient’s sagging face is being offered for the first time in Scotland by a renowned cosmetic doctor.

Glasgow’s Dr Usman Qureshi – widely known as Dr Q – has performed around 1000 thread lifts, but until now they have all been using temporary sutures that dissolve in the body.

Now he is offering a new, long-lasting variation of the treatment, which is often referred to as a “puppet facelift”. It can deliver the same impressive results as expensive cosmetic surgery without the need to go under the knife and which last up to five years.

Dr Q said: “This ups the ante considerably and I’m delighted to be the first expert in Scotland offering this treatment. It really is a quite remarkable process.

“Not only are the threads permanent, but they are anchored much higher on the head, so the ability to deliver a better and more flattering result for the patient is also greater.

“Current thread lifts are good as they give a visible lift which can improve jowls, neck, brows and lines around the mouth. But the threads are absorbed into the body. In fact, they start to dissolve after three months and as a consequence the results last around 18 months at the most.

Before and after, one year apart.

“With this new treatment the threads do not dissolve. Because they are permanent, they continue to work for much longer and the results will be visible for at least five years.”

Dr Q, a dad of two from Bearsden, has been operating the Luxe Skin Clinic in Glasgow city centre since 2012 and specialises in high end, non-surgical treatments which give remarkable yet very natural-looking results.

He has performed more than 15,000 cosmetic treatments and is one of the country’s’ most experienced facial injection experts working with Botox and fillers. The majority of his patients are discerning women over 35 who want natural, confidence-boosting results.

He added: “This treatment offers the kind of results that otherwise can only be achieved via facelift surgery. The difference is that a patient can undergo this treatment in an afternoon and be back at work the following day. Surgery causes swelling and bruising that takes at least a month to heal.

“The fact that you can get these results without surgery or downtime really is amazing”

Close up of the Elastic threads used in “puppet” facelift procedure. They are inserted painlessl under the skin and attached to the top of the head.

The elastic threads are made from specially patented materials that have been tried and tested in medical implants for more than 50 years. They are inserted painlessly and invisibly under the skin and anchored to the top of the head, gently lifting the target areas.

While temporary threads are usual anchored around a patient’s temples, the permanent threads are anchored around the crown of the head, further improving the results patients see.

Before and after, one year apart.

Dr Q added: “This is the ideal treatment for me to offer, because everything I do is the polar opposite of the exaggerated results popularised by the likes of reality TV stars. My patients want to see improvements that will help boost their confidence without anyone being able to tell they have had ‘work done’.”

After learning about the new permanent threads, created by Spring Thread, a specialist firm in France, Dr Q travelled to a major cosmetic industry event in at Olympia London in Kensington, to find out more.

While the treatment has been available in parts of Europe for several years it has only been available in the UK recently. Now he will undergo specialist training in London with Spring Thread experts in November to become the first doctor offering it in Scotland.

He said: “In this field it is essential that you are always learning and developing. When dealing with a patient’s face, the tiniest of margins can make a major difference. While I have performed more than a thousand thread lifts with the temporary threads, there are slight-but-vital differences with this new treatment.”

As well as running his thriving cosmetic clinic, Dr Q also continues working as a GP, carrying out regular shifts at Cowal Community Hospital, in Dunoon, Argyll and Bute, either in the accident and emergency department, or in the out of hours GP service.

More information on Dr Q’s clinic and services can be found at www.dermalfillersglasgow.co.uk

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