Home News Woman wows internet with Christmas ornament hack – using biscuit tin, fairy...

Woman wows internet with Christmas ornament hack – using biscuit tin, fairy lights and white tack

The biscuit container, which rotates and plays Christmas lullabies, was destined for the recyling bin until thrifty Claire, 33, from Clapham, London, decided to give it a new purpose.

A NURSERY nurse has unveiled a brilliant Christmas ornament hack using an old biscuit tin, white tack and fairy lights.

Claire Hamilton recycled a Marks & Spencer musical biscuit tin and a set of £1 lights from eBay.

The biscuit container, which rotates and plays Christmas lullabies, was destined for the recyling bin until thrifty Claire, 33, from Clapham, London, decided to give it a new purpose.

Pictures and video show the product of Claire’s two minute trick – a light-up “festive nightlight”

Creative Claire explained how she made the item by removing the tin’s base and securing the fairy light’s battery pack to it using white tack.

She then arranged the lights inside the cone loosely and reattached the base to produce the recycled trinket.

A delighted Claire took to social media to share her creation.

She posted pictures and video with the caption: “Thank you to who ever it was who shared about putting lights inside the Marks and Spencer Christmas tree biscuit tin!

“The tin is £5 and I got the lights for £1ish off eBay. So happy with it.

“It’s like a festive night light with Christmas lullabies.”

Claire’s post, which has clocked up over 3,000 likes, has blown away social media users.

One woman wrote: “Such a good idea! I have this.”

Another added: “Bought one as a present, might keep it for myself. Great idea.”

One user lamented: “Aw no we had this exact tin from last year until a few months back then I binned it.

The biscuit container, which rotates and plays Christmas lullabies, was destined for the recyling bin until thrifty Claire, 33, from Clapham, London, decided to give it a new purpose.

“Too pretty to bin but didn’t know what to do with it. Lovely idea.”

And one woman termed it: “F***** genius.”

Speaking today, Claire said: “I’m very happy with it. It was so easy to do, it took me like two minutes.

“I am quite into craft and DIY. I try to use things that would get thrown or recycled.

“Something else I made two years ago was a homemade advent Calendar using toilet rolls.

“I just looked back and the tin post has 3,300 likes now.

“I’ve only seen nice comments and lots of people want to do the same.”

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