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4 Reasons Why You Should Get Prenatal Care

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For most women having their first child, the news of being pregnant can be both exciting and scary at the same time. Exciting because they are going to become mothers and raise children of their own. Some get so excited they begin to shop for baby clothes and decorate a nursery at home almost immediately. Scary because of the uncertainty that comes with pregnancy and delivery.

While there is nothing wrong with being overly excited, the most important thing is maintaining good health for you and your baby. During and after pregnancy, the body goes through a tremendous transformation. It is essential to get professional supervision. That is why doctors recommend prenatal care for women immediately after receiving the news of pregnancy. Here are 4 reasons why you should get the proper care.

  1. To Make Sure You and Your Baby Stay Healthy

Whether it is your first pregnancy or your fifth, your health needs to come first. Carrying a pregnancy for nine months has its effect on the body. Proper prenatal care ensures your vitals such as blood pressure, cholesterol level, and blood sugar are all within the normal range.

Regular checks allow the doctor to monitor the baby’s heart rate and internal movements if any. While most pregnancies go through without a hitch, there are times when complications may occur. As a result, you must choose your doctor wisely. The professionals at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Private Healthcare are some of the best in the UK. By going for prenatal care regularly, your doctor can prevent any such occurrences. Early detection means early treatment.

  1. To Get Accurate Nutrition Guidance

During pregnancy, you will be required to adjust your diet. Your doctor will provide you with the proper nutrition guide at every stage of the pregnancy. Refrain as much as possible from taking nutrition tips from random blogs on the internet or taking supplements without prescription. While some may work for others, everybody responds differently. Your prenatal care is unique to only you.

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  1. Perform Relevant Tests

Regular prenatal care allows your doctor to perform relevant tests. From your first visit to delivery, there are tests to be conducted. For example, in the first trimester, you will be tested for STDs, hepatitis B, diabetes level, and Rh factor. In the second trimester, tests such as ultrasound screening, amniocentesis, and estriol will be carried out to detect any abnormalities with the baby. With proper prenatal care, it is possible to prevent birth defects or a miscarriage.

  1. Prepare for Labour and Delivery

At Guy’s and St Thomas’ Private Healthcare, you will get to meet the professional midwives that will deliver your baby months before your due date. They will explain to you what to expect and how you can have a smooth delivery. You will be fully prepared for what’s to come.

With proper care and preparation, you will be ready for the nine-month journey ahead. You and your baby will be healthy throughout the journey.


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