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Going Solo: How To Become A Freelancer And Enjoy The Benefits Of Working For Yourself

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

With the UK home to more than 2 million freelancers in 2018, and with that number set to rise thanks to the benefits that this lucrative career option offers, there has never been a better time than now to consider striking out on your own. 

It might seem scary to think that you won’t have the support of a team and a manager anymore, but if you have the opportunity, then it’s worth taking the next step and profiting from your skills yourself, rather than letting another company make money out of them.

To help, we’ve put together a guide that should help you to enjoy a prosperous start to your new career as a freelancer. 

Identify Your Niche

Almost every freelancer market is highly competitive, so it’s important that you try to narrow down your niche and specialise. If you want to be a writer, for example, then it’s important that you find a specialist sector to focus on so that you can make yourself stand out from the crowd and use your skills effectively. 

Create A Business Plan

As a freelancer you’re now running your own business, and as such you need a business plan. Having a well-structured plan will ensure that your endeavours aren’t aimless, and that you achieve your financial and professional goals during your time as a freelancer. 

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Purchase The Software Tools You Need

When you work for another business, you won’t need to think about the cost of the software products you use, but when you become a freelancer you won’t have access to these products. As such, you’ll need to think long and hard about which software solutions are worth investing in, and which ones you can use as the free version. 

Earn Qualifications To Make Yourself Stand Out

For every single project there will usually be hundreds of freelancers competing for it, so set yourself apart from the crowd by earning qualifications. For example, if you want to become a business coach, then you should learn more about the coaching options available so that you can stand out as a great option to everyone seeking out these services. 

Put Together A Portfolio

Potential clients will want to see proof that you can bring value to their organisation and provide the services they need, so it’s important that you create a comprehensive portfolio. Use some of the work you did for other companies as examples or create mock-up versions of the work you could potentially do for clients. This will allow you to showcase your talents and mark yourself out as a quality freelancer that potential clients can rely on. 

Sign Up To Freelancer Platforms 

A great way to get your name out there and find work is to sign up to a selection of freelancer platforms. Put your CV and portfolio on these sites to give clients the chance to see your work and connect with you. You can also use these platforms to bid for work and earn yourself some roles, meaning that you can start to build up a wide range of new clients and completed projects. 

Manage Your Expenses

Running your own small business means that you’re entirely responsible for your budget and finances, so be organised and make sure that you don’t go over budget and lose money. Use a budget app to keep track of your expenses and make doing your taxes easier. This approach will ensure that you’re able to profit from your work and don’t waste all of your money on tools and subscriptions. Managing your finances effectively will also allow you to price your services accurately. 

Build A Network

As you start taking on freelancer work and completing projects, it’s important that you update your portfolio and build a network of contacts that you can reach out to and collaborate with. Use professional networking sites such as LinkedIn, alongside the freelancer platforms that you’re already using to earn projects, to connect with and contact even more clients. 

Attend Local Networking Events 

A great way to build yourself a network and learn more about the other freelancers operating in your local area is to attend business networking events. Make the most out of your experience at an event by being prepared and taking the time to talk to as many different people as possible. This will not only build your network, but also allow you to enhance your brand and get your name out there. 

Understand The Importance Of Returning Clients 

Now that you’re running your own business you need to remember the importance of keeping returning clients coming back for more. After all, they’re the ones who will be paying your bills, so make sure that they are happy and that they get the service they expect. This will ensure that they keep working with you well into the future. 

Get Yourself Into A Routine 

Being a freelancer and working from home can make your working day a little chaotic, so make sure that you create a routine. There are many different organisation apps designed specifically for freelancers out there that can help you to structure your time and ensure that you deliver all of your orders on time. 

Stay Focused On Your Goals

Going freelance means being your own boss, and as such you need to make sure that you set yourself targets that you can work towards so that you never become complacent. Set individual aims and work hard towards achieving them, so that you are constantly striving towards something and earning yourself the new orders that you need. This focus and proactivity will not go unnoticed by your customers, who will value a freelancer who is constantly adapting and improving. 

Keep Up To Date With The Latest Insight  

The corporate market and the freelance sector are both constantly evolving, so it’s important that you keep up to date with the latest developments. This will ensure that you’re always able to give your clients the best possible service. Listen to podcasts and read blogs about being a freelancer and your market to ensure that you’re always ahead of the latest developments and can be the best freelancer you can be. 

Adapt Your Service Offering As The Market Changes

Keeping up to date with the latest market trends means that you continue to enhance your service offering to meet the ever-evolving needs of your clients. This will ensure that you remain relevant and are able to provide your clients with the service they want and need. 

Focus On Providing Your Clients With The Highest Possible Quality Of Service

Throughout your career as a freelancer, you need to make sure that you keep focusing on the reason why you went into business on your own in the first place. Continue to hone your craft and provide innovative, unique solutions to your clients. This will ensure that your business flourishes and brings you and your clients joy for many years to come. 

Changing your job is always scary, but becoming a freelancer is even more daunting. By being organised and following these tips you should be able to start as you mean to go on and quickly build a portfolio of successful projects and satisfied clients.  


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