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Increase in people performing life-saving CPR


Bystanders performed CPR on 64% of people who suffered a cardiac arrest outside of hospital last year, a record figure.

The finding was one of many improvements highlighted in the Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) Data Linkage Project: 2018/19 which also showed that, for the first time, more than one person in ten who suffers a cardiac arrest outside of hospital is surviving and leaving hospital.

The 64% figure is a significant increase on the 41% figure in 2015 when Scotland’s Strategy for OHCA was launched, and when the survival rate was one in 20 rather than one in ten.

Mike Pinkerton, 43, suffered a cardiac arrest three years ago. Recently, he had the chance to meet the people who saved his life.

Vet Henrietta Linnemann sprang into action, performing CPR on him until Paramedics Robin Yuill, Mark Dickson and Technician Ryan Peat had arrived.

Mike said: “I still have absolutely no memory of what happened that morning.

“It was fantastic to finally meet Ryan, Robin and Mark and thank them in person for doing such a great job – I know they’ll often never get the chance to hear from or about the people they’ve helped.”

Public Health Minister Joe FitzPatrick said: “The fact that a higher proportion of people who suffer a cardiac arrest are able to go home to family and friends is excellent news and the fact that more people are equipped with the skills and confidence to help others bodes well for the future.

“Swiftly starting CPR can increase the likelihood of survival after cardiac arrest by two or three times so increasing the number of bystanders who can perform CPR is vitally important.

“That is why I am delighted that the Save a Life for Scotland partnership has successfully equipped more than half a million people with CPR skills a year earlier than planned, through training and events across the country.

“I thank all of those involved for their tremendous efforts in delivering the aims of the strategy and allowing many people to live for longer.”


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