Home Business Celebrating women in business at Eusebi Deli

Celebrating women in business at Eusebi Deli

Giovanna Eusebi - Image supplied

A fundraising dinner for women in business has been announced, taking place next month in Glasgow’s West End.

Eusebi Deli will host the event on 16 February, to bring together more than 50 women from across the hospitality sector.

Proceeds will go towards HIT Scotland, in support of the Andrew Fairlie Scholarship.

Sponsored jointly by HIT Scotland, the Scottish Government and Gleneagles, the Andrew Fairlie Scholarship will be awarded annually to a male and female chef in light of Andrew’s unwavering commitment to diversity in the kitchen.

Giovanna Eusebi – Image supplied

All proceeds from Eusebi Deli’s fundraising event will be donated to the HIT Scotland Kilimanjaro Climb.

Eusebi’s HIT Scotland fundraising dinner will also provide a platform for women working in the hospitality industry to learn more about Business Women Scotland’s Hospitality, Tourism, Food & Drink Awards, which are now in their fourth year.

Eusebi Deli has been based in Glasgow for over 40 years.

Giovanna Eusebi, Owner at Eusebi Deli, said: “I’m delighted to be hosting this female-led industry event with Lynne to launch the Business Women Scotland awards.

“The evening will be a celebration of the best female talent and an opportunity to raise funds for the Andrew Fairlie Scholarship with HIT Scotland. Thank you to Business Women Scotland and HIT for their incredible generosity.”

Lynne Kennedy MBE, Founder of Business Women Scotland, said: “Business Women Scotland celebrates and empowers women in business while tackling the gender gap in enterprise. It is a great opportunity to launch this year’s awards at Eusebi’s.

“The awards support women working in the food and drink sector, and women in hospitality and tourism in Scotland.

“I am delighted to be working with Giovanna and HIT Scotland and to have the opportunity to raise funds for the Andrew Fairlie Scholarship.”

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