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“Brain dead idiot” Yodel driver reprimanded after chucking protein powder over 7ft fence – for it to be eaten by Rocco the bulldog

Pictured: Rocco, the pumped up pooch.

A BULLDOG had to be rushed to the vets after wolfing down a delivery of protein powder that a Yodel driver chucked over the fence.

Dan Harrison is raging at the “brain dead idiot” worker who threw the package over a 7ft wall rather than put it in his “safe place”.

Dan says his bulldog Rocco shredded the packaging to get at the muscle-building protein powder and creatine tablets inside.

The pumped-up pooch also ingested some of the plastic packaging during the incident at Dan’s home in Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire.

Dan says the bulldog shredded the packaging to get at the muscle-building protein powder inside.

Eating protein powder can prove fatal to dogs so Dan wasted no time getting Rocco to a vet to be checked over.

He also took time off work to make sure Rocco suffered no longer term side effects.

Writing to Yodel on Twitter, Dan said: “Must be part of the @YodelOnline job application to be a f****** brain dead idiot who calls flinging a parcel over a 7ft wall a ‘safe place’.

“Dog was out there, ate some of the plastic and contents, had to go to the vets

“Gonna cost me a fortune in the vets and hope he will be alright.”

“Shame he didn’t rip his hand off, thick idiot.”

Dan then shared a snap of his dog staring menacingly into the camera whilst it was at the vets on Tuesday.

He wrote: “Look @YodelOnline dog in the vets earlier. Not gonna be happy when he sees the driver on his road again.”

Speaking today (THUR), Dan said: “The dog ate a load of protein powder.

Pictured: Rocco, the pumped up pooch.

“Vets have said I need to keep a very close eye on him so I’ve had to take two days of work to look after him.

“I hope he will be okay but these brain dead delivery drivers need to do their job correctly and not be so incompetent.

“We took him to the vets they give him something to make him throw up

“Now I have to sit with him to make sure he is okay

“He had 1/4 kg bag of protein powder and maybe some creatine tablets.

“I could see the powder all in his mouth so he was definitely consuming a lot of it.”

Owner Dan was not best pleased with the actions of the delivery driver.

A spokesman for Yodel today said:“The safe delivery of parcels is our number one priority, and we’re sorry to hear that Mr Harrison was unhappy with the service he received.

“We have taken appropriate action with the driver involved, and offered to cover the cost of the consultation with the vet. We’re glad to hear that Mr Harrison’s dog is all OK.”

Protein powder is usually used by people who are training and wish to repair and rebuild damaged muscles after a tough session at the gym.

Benefits can include helping to build muscle and can help make people feel fuller for longer.

However, in extreme cases, it is possible to ingest so much protein that it does long-term damage.

Last month a dog owner accused rival delivery company, Hermes, of killing her pet after a driver forged her signature on a delivery of rat poison.

Martine Jones claims Tizer died after finding the package, ripping it open and wolfing down 60 sachets of the lethal substance inside.

Hermes insisted her claims were “unsubstantiated” but offered to cover vet fees as a gesture of goodwill.

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