Home Partner Posts A quick catch-up with SEO guru Craig Campbell

A quick catch-up with SEO guru Craig Campbell

Craig Campbell Image supplied

With over 18 years’ experience in SEO, Craig Campbell is a Glasgow-based expert who has built an impressive reputation. He runs his own SEO agency and specialises in offering training and consultancy services to agencies around the globe. He regularly speaks at global SEO gatherings and if you follow SEMrush you’ve probably seen him hosting an event or webinar.

We had a spare couple of minutes with Craig so thought we’d ask him some questions that could provide you with an insight into SEO and the methods behind achieving exceptional results.

Craig, you’re one of the most well-known SEO-specialists in the United Kingdom and the recognition you get is well deserved. Before things took off, what was business like for you?

Thank you. In the beginning, I was working seriously hard to get things up and running. I had a comprehensive knowledge of SEO but I still had so much more to learn. That is why I was working up to 18 hours a day. You don’t think that you’ll ever burn out – especially at a young age. But things began to get a bit overwhelming so something had to change. I was suffering with anxiety and depression but I was able to start helping myself.

Basically, I stopped working such long hours and learned to get the most out of working 9:00am – 5:00pm. It helped me prioritise things and get everything done. It’s also important to have some down time. Having a beer with your friends and spending time with your loved ones is what life is all about. You should never feel guilty for wanting some downtime.

Basically – I am a real believer of a work/life balance that benefits you, your business and your friends and family. You need to do your best to make sure all of these are satisfied.

It’s worth adding that at this stage in my career, I am looking to continue the training and conferencing side of things. I am working hard with a number of clients but am not actively looking for more. Instead, I want to make sure I am up to date with the ever-changing world of SEO and I am using my knowledge to train others. It’s a new passion of mine and it’s going really well so far.

What are your biggest challenges when communicating with your clients?

SEO is one of those things that you really need your clients to understand. Back in the day, I would have clients contact me asking why they’re not number one on Google already?

I’m lucky because I can pick and choose my clients carefully. The results I get are great and I have been able to provide a decent return on investment to everyone who has used my services. But some clients are always on the phone, sending me emails, asking for almost daily updates.

Craig Campbell Image supplied

As we know, SEO is not something that can be rushed. It takes time to deliver results. But I understand clients who are always contacting me. Many clients have had bad experiences with cowboys promising them the world. Sure, people out there can get your site ranking quickly. But this is so dangerous.

My SEO work has a proven track record and I am pleased where I am today. But even now, it can be difficult to convince people that what you are doing is for the greater good! If you ever find your clients walking all over you – reassess the situation immediately! Results will come in time and rushing can be detrimental.

What tools would you recommend to people who are pretty hot with SEO and like to dabble in it?

There are loads of great tools out there. And, it is no secret that tools help me achieve the end objective. On a daily basis I use SEMrush, Ahrefs, Outreach.buzz, SERPed, Statusbrew, Brand24, Buzzstream, and a few others actually. There are loads and they’re all great at delivering results.

I recently endorsed Surfer SEO. I used the phrase “a must have for on-page SEO” and I mean it. It’s well worth the investment.

Have you ever ruined a website by pushing it too far?

Yes. Everyone in my trade has! Well, the serious SEO experts have for sure.

It is no secret that SEO experts will push websites as hard as they can before things start to go pear shape. How else do you know what you can and cannot get away with? Obviously, I wouldn’t dream of doing this with a client’s website. Instead, I have picked up some sites throughout my SEO journey and have experimented with them. It’s actually really good fun and a great way to test theories.

Sometimes, I suspect certain things will cause problems, such as spammy backlinks and using low-quality websites. That is why I test – to see what works and what doesn’t.

Cheeky question, but what is the quickest buck you have made form SEO?

Argh, a cheeky question. You want to know if I have flipped websites. Yea I have had some fun. I brought a site once for £10k, did my thing, spend a few thousand and managed to offload the site for almost £50k a few months later. They don’t always go that smoothly though.

So that is a story of real success – nice one! Ever done anything pretty stupid?

Well, it’s no secrets I make mistakes – I do. I admit I probably make more than others because if I have an idea, I want to put it into practice immediately.

Back in the day when vaping was becoming hot, I built a site with e-commerce. However, despite having a neat site, I didn’t do my research. I accidentally ignored rules and regulations in place that limited the ways I could sell items online (PayPal only – who’d have known) and I advertised externally on platforms that were not allowed to show such ads. I wasted some money and ended up breaking even. It was still a project I look back at fondly though, because I learnt a lot.

For those who would love to catch one of your live talks, what do you have lined up in 2020?

This year is a fun one. I am speaking at some awesome events around the world. In February I’ll be presenting at the Online Marketing Conference (Sydney). Later in the month I’ll be talking at TiECON Chandigarh, India. Then, in April I’ll be heading over to the SEO Spring Training in the States (Arizona). Finally, I’ll be presenting at the Digital Elite Day in London (July). It’s a busy schedule but I love what I do. So, I’ll be adding some new dates soon for sure. For those who are interested, I keep a live schedule on my website.

You have quite the following on Twitter. Out of the 125,000+ follows – who is your favourite?

You have to be joking right? I love them all! It’s great to be able to share my knowledge with so many people. Twitter is a great place to pick up new skills and pieces of advice. I learn from it, so I hope my followers can too.

When you are not experimenting with SEO, what are you up to Craig?

I love spending time with my family and new born little one. But when I am away from them, I enjoy golfing, table tennis and watching football. I may be from Glasgow, but I am a colossal Man United fan. Sure, things aren’t going great at the moment, but we’ll be back – you mark my words. I am sure things will turn around quickly too. We’re the biggest club in the world. I try and watch as often as I can. Old Trafford is a special place.

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