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What to Pack for London: Just the Essentials

Photo by Eva Dang on Unsplash

If you are getting ready for your trip to London, there are some things you have to keep in mind while packing. You have already heard about the weather so being prepared for all weather conditions is something you should do with great care. 

The list we have created will help you be well prepared for your trip, but first let’s go through some packing rules.

Let’s take a quick look at them:

  1. Don’t bring too much.
  2. Two is enough. Packing the third sweater T-shirt or blouse will occupy some precious luggage space.
  3. If you need that third piece of clothing, buy it. The prices in London can be pretty affordable during sales.
  4. Apartments are cheaper than hotel rooms. Why not rent one?

And now let’s start packing.

Clothes for all weather conditions

When you start packing your clothes for London, two of the main things to have in mind are the weather and the locations you are going to visit. On the other hand, it should be something you can wear comfortably around the town. 

If you are travelling in winter, warm clothes are a must because London can be really cold. In summer, for example, the nights can be chilly so dress up accordingly. But, no matter what clothes you pack, there are two things you must have – an umbrella and a rain jacket! You don’t want to get wet in London.

Photo by Eva Dang on Unsplash

Make sure to pack your travel adapter

If you don’t already have a travel adapter now it’s time to buy one. It will help you with your electronics starting from your phone, hair dryer, tablet or camera. Don’t think you won’t need one because you definitely will. 

And now, when you have packed your travel adapter make sure to pack all the other electronics. Pack your smartphone, camera, chargers and memory cards. You can even pack a portable speaker if needed. These portable speakers are great, but don’t let them fool you – Small dimensions do not equal small sound.

Since we are speaking about electronics remember this. Buy a SIM card the moment you arrive in London. This will help you stay connected with your loved ones.

As we have mentioned, it is often rainy in London, so make sure to have a waterproof bag or ziplock bags to protect your electronic devices.

Comfortable shoes can save the day

When you pack your shoes, pack something you can wear in many different occasions, no matter whether it’s a walk in the park or a formal event. If you plan to walk around the town, don’t buy new shoes before the trip. Instead bring something you are familiar with and you know it’s comfortable. The last thing we need in London are blisters. 

And once again we have to mention the rain in London, so a pair of waterproof shoes is more than welcome. 

A backpack for all your things

If you are buying a new backpack for your trip to London, don’t try to save some money on it. You need a high-quality one to pack all your things. For example, if you are planning to walk a lot, it would be best to get a large backpack with straps. It’s important to pack everything you need in it – spare clothes, camera, umbrella, snacks and a map (although it isn’t necessary if you have navigation app installed on your smartphone). 

Pack your own toiletries

It’s always a good idea to save some money by packing your own toiletries. There is no need to buy them in London. Besides your toothbrush and toothpaste, pack some tissues, as well as a sunscreen lotion depending on the season.

And that’s it!

By now we are pretty sure you know what to pack for London and can’t wait for your adventure to begin. Wisely choose your clothes and shoes and other items you have to pack. And also choose the things you know will make your trip comfortable. Keep in mind that your plan is to have a great time while in London and you want pleasant memories only. This is one more reason to pack slowly and with care.

And one more thing – have fun! 



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