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“W****** the lot of you” – Man’s foul-mouthed disbelief over queue of more than 300 outside Costco


SHOCKING video shows a jaw-dropping queue of more than 300 shoppers outside a Costco as they wait for it to open to shop for coronavirus supplies.

The footage was captured yesterday [18 Mar] morning outside Costco in Thurrock, Essex, by Paul Parker.

The 43-year-old was horrified by the scene, which extended over 500m and decided to upload the madness to Facebook.

He shared the footage with the caption: “Costco Thurrock, 18/3/20.

“I didn’t catch the fight outside. But look at the queue. Sod that. I’m going Starbucks. Sorry about the language.”

The video shows Paul driving into the parking area of Costco and he starts to narrate what he sees.

“I’ve just witnessed two or three people fighting outside, f****** ridiculous!”

Paul then starts making his way through the carpark and past the main entrance of the wholesale store.

The queue for the store is as far as the road ahead leads, Paul continues: “Everyone smile, I am not f***** going to join the end of this. Absolutely f***** ridiculous.

He then says: “W*****, f***** w***** the lot of you.”

“It carries on going and going and going, round the car park.”

“The guy goes to me mate if you want to go in you have to join the end of the queue I was like really? You really think I am going f****** join on the end of this?”

He continues to film for two minutes and nineteen seconds as the queue snakes around the car park.

By this point he has passed approximately 313 frantic shoppers. Paul pans the camera on himself and says: “Absolute fools.”

Facebook users could not believe their eyes and slammed those queuing.

Glenn Marshall said: “Absolutely insane behaviour.”

Rhiannon Brown commented: “I have no words. What is wrong with the world.”

Carly Dearman posted: “Imagine being the b***end that thinks it’s a good idea to join the end of that queue.”

Anna Lorena also said: “Wtf is wrong with people! Calm down! There isn’t a food shortage and if everyone behaved in a reasonable manner, there would be plenty for everyone.”

Speaking today, Paul said: “I think it’s utter madness. But I do believe the majority of people are just thinking about themselves and there families.

“Can you blame them? It’s a hard one.”

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