Home News Bizarre video shows shopper don full protective gear – including knee pads...

Bizarre video shows shopper don full protective gear – including knee pads – to visit supermarket amid coronavirus pandemic

The man was spotted heading out of Morrisons

BIZARRE video shows man taking coronavirus protection to the next level as he does weekly shop in gas mask and knee pads.

The unusual get up was spotted outside a Morrisons supermarket in East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire last Friday morning.

In the video, the a man can be seen emerging from the supermarket covered head to toe in protective clothing.

He sports a blue boiler suit, full gas mask and most bizarrely – knee pads across each leg.

As the clip runs on, he can be seen pushing a shopping trolley filled with beer across the busy car park.

The hilarious scene was caught on camera by 27-year-old Gordon Goshy, who subsequently uploaded the video onto Twitter.

Gordon captioned his post: “Guy up at Morrisons in East Kilbride. Folk are mental.”

The video of the individual has been well received on social media, with the vast majority of users wondering why they have knee pads on.

@TitsyMaghee said: @Of all the things he’s wearing, I’m most curious about why he has knee pads on.”

@dizledazle commented: “Why the knee pads?”

@Kevinpmallon1 posted: “That’s mental.”

The man was spotted heading out of Morrisons

@titanthemonkey also said: “Why the f*** is he wearing knee pads.”

Speaking today, Gordon said: “A bit over the top but also very safe. Not sure if the knee pads were needed. Best of luck to him.”

People across the globe have been resorting to extreme measures to protect themselves from the coronavirus.

Earlier this month, commuters in China and in London were spotted with plastic containers on their heads as they rode public transport.

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