Home News Scottish News RNLI set to launch Water Safety Wednesday to help home schooled children

RNLI set to launch Water Safety Wednesday to help home schooled children


The RNLI has launched to the rescue of parents and teachers who are in need of
content and support for home schooling their children.

The lifesaving charity is offering downloadable content as well as a Facebook Live event every Wednesday at 10.15am on their Facebook page.

RNLI’s Regional Water Safety Lead for Scotland, Michael Avril said: “During these uncharted times, some of you may be looking for ways to engage, educate and entertain your children at home.

Liam Fayle-Parr, ex-RNLI lifeguard

“And even more of you will have family, friends and loved ones in the same boat.

“This Wednesday (1st April), we’ll be hosting a live, interactive video for primary school
age children from the RNLI’s central Facebook page (www.facebook.com/RNLI).

“It’s the first in a series about water safety that we hope to continue for the foreseeable future, while children are unable to attend school.

“It’ll be around 15 minutes long and our presenter will be Liam Fayle-Parr, an ex-RNLI
lifeguard who’s now a member of the RNLI’s Water Safety team and a dad to two
young children himself.

“Each week, we’ll focus on a different water safety message – this week, it’s ‘Stop and think: spot the dangers’. We’ll be linking to some fun educational resources for families to have a go at at home afterwards too.

“We know that Governmental instructions are to stay at home so with this in mind, we
would like to give people ways for young people to continue to learn essential and
lifesaving water safety for when the Government advise that people can resume back to
normal life and may be visiting beaches.”

Water Safety Wednesday will be starting on Wednesday 1st April at 10.15 am on the
RNLI’s Facebook Page www.facebook.com/rnli/ Links will also be shared via Twitter

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