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4 Things You Need to Start a Business Website

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Growing technology and the use of the internet are essential pillars of the growing business. Almost 4.5 billion world population are active internet users in 2020. Businesses, be it e-commerce domains, service providers, product-based companies, need a website to build their brand.

Thanks to technologies and digital networking, company portfolio websites, business branding, and reaching to end-users are much more comfortable. As the company grows, the number of users visiting the company website naturally increases. Hence, creating a dynamic and well-developed website for your business is the need of the hour.

Start Your Business Website With These Four Simple Steps:

Depending on the type of business, a website could vary in many aspects. For example, e-commerce sites need to set up an interface to a buying gateway, payment gateway, and tracking gateways. Portfolio sites are more of a resume of a business. Product-based companies need to integrate web-apps on the website.

Below is the checklist of things you need to start a successful website.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

1. A Domain Name for the Business Website

Getting a domain name for your company is the very first step you are going to need. A domain name works as the digital address of your business.

Hence, your domain name would be the same as your business name. For example, A company named XYZ should have a domain name as www.xyz.com. Moreover, a professional business email address should also be hosted on your domain name.

You can buy a domain name from the hosting providers that you are going to select based on your business needs.

2. Hosting for your Business Website

Web Hosting takes your website content, services, and products online for people to see and use. Selecting a hosting also depends on the needs of the business and the number of visitors.

Dedicated hosting will serve the purpose most of the time. However, you might need a Virtual Private Server(VPS) as the business grows.

As the number of visitors grows, a VPS server would be more suitable to manage your website traffic. For example, WINDOWS VPS Flex Server adds the flexibility of a virtual server to the power of your dedicated server.

As it’s a virtual server, it’s scalable and easily manageable. Moreover, VPS adds an extra level of security to the websites, and you get full administrative control.

The plan that you pick will give you a dedicated number of CPUs, additional storage, allows you to use ASP.NET, MySQL, and more databases. Hence, the load time of the site will decrease while handling a large number of users.

Once you decide on hosting, the next thing is to set up your website theme.

3. Website theme design

Your website reflects your business’s theme, which means user-friendly interface, the appearance of the website, navigation, all these matters.

Designing a website on WordPress or Wix via inbuilt templates is possible too. However, you might need to add or remove custom fields depending on dynamic changes in the business. That’s why, for businesses, creating a custom theme from a designer would be more appropriate. 

4. Introducing Automation

Your business serves thousands and millions of people. Reaching out to the customers for new business deals, brand awareness, and answering customer’s queries manually is not possible.

Hence, integration of CRM tools, automation in Email management, server level automation, and real-time report generation will save a lot of time for you.


Technology and digital infrastructure bring your business closer to the end-users via the website. Hence, implementing new techniques on your websites will help your business grow.

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