Home Business Online conference promises help for Scottish business owners

Online conference promises help for Scottish business owners

Lynne Kennedy - Image supplied

A VIRTUAL conference for women in business is being launched to help female business owners deal with the challenges of the current climate.

The Business Women Scotland Roadshow event will be screening an online via Youtube on 17 April.

The online seminar will focus on access to government help for small businesses, advice on how to avoid insolvency and building a business back.

Participants will hear from a panel of experts including Yvonne Greeves, head of women in banking at Royal Bank of Scotland; executive coach and mentor June Walker and Michelle Ferguson, director of Scotland’s Bravest Manufacturing Company.

Lynne Kennedy – Image supplied

They will also have the opportunity to submit questions which the panel will address.

Speakers will include aTricia Halliday, director of chartered accountants Martin Aitken,;leadership coach Kirsty Mac; and Susie Fraser, managing director of digital marketing agency Adeo.

Lynne Kennedy MBE, founder of Business Women Scotland said:“No one has experienced anything like the current crisis affecting global markets but some of our speakers have been through the 2008 financial crisis and came out the other end.”

“They have solid advice that will get us all through the next few months.”

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