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The Art and Education of Trading with Samuel Trading and Co

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Success is often bred from hardship, fear, and the strong belief that you must rise above. This is where UK-based, self-taught trading wizard and entrepreneur Samuel Leach found himself just as he was beginning university.

Samuel watched at a young age how his family struggled with financial loss. The desire to prove to himself that he wasn’t going to go down the same road, led him to investing—in himself and the stock market—making some impressive moves that earned him over 170k while still studying for his marketing and advertising degree.

Samuel and Co Trading was launched in 2012 and Samuel’s impressive trading strategies earned him fast recognition as one of the industry’s most impressive traders. Since 2012, the company has expanded to trading floors across multiple continents and it has launched a successful educational platform for individuals interested in making a career as a market trader.

Leach and his team of now 60 pride themselves on three major principles—excellence, social responsibility, and honesty—and they firmly believe that anyone with enough drive and determination can learn to become a successful trader.

The services and educational programs offered by Samuel and Co Trading have taught the ins-and-outs of market trading and foreign exchange (Forex) trading to over 3,000 people from countries around the globe. The company offers training programs for all individuals, including those with little to no experience, and even offers a free beginner’s program to those looking for a little more clarity.

The Free Online Programme provides an understanding of the financial markets, an introduction to trading as a career, and the different types of training programs offered by the company to launch a successful trading career.

In addition to the Free Online Programme, Samuel and Co Trading offers three paid courses, each adding more depth to your trading knowledge and lending the expertise of the top ranked traders within the company. All paid training programs are CPD (Continuing Professional Development) accredited which ensures that the learning value of each program has been thoroughly assessed to ensure integrity and quality.

Each of the three online trading programs offers something different. The Online Trading Course is a “learn at your own pace” training program and can be accessed anywhere you are. The content provides professional Forex and stock trading lectures in a three-part advanced training series. The course, designed with Samuel’s expertise, aims to teach high probability price action and fundamental trading strategies.

The Wealth Programme and The Complete Trader offer a deeper detail and understanding of algorithmic trading, and includes one-on-one trainings with the head trainer and even with Samuel himself. All programs also include personalized mindset training, which Samuel believes is key in reducing stress emotions and unintentional reactions that can inhibit the trader’s ability to succeed.

His book, Formula for Success: How to Win at Life Using Your Own Personal Algorithm, was written from his own personal experiences and aspires to help individuals visualize the potential for success using their own unique talents.

On top of it all, with the simple intent to provide stock market, Forex, and algorithmic training to anyone who may have an interest, Samuel launched the Real Forex Trader Series, a video series that guides participants toward becoming profitable traders through an intensive course with real money and real-life trading challenges.

The Real Forex Trader Series 1 launched in 2019 and the videos have been viewed by thousands. With a passion for education, the success of the first series, and now the Coronavirus pandemic, Leach knew it would be the perfect time to launch the Real Forex Trader Series 2.

With most of the world population under quarantine and the unfortunate loss of many jobs, Leach wants people to know that with real passion, drive, and determination, he believes that anyone can become a successful market and Forex trader.

The Real Forex Trader Series 2: Creating Successful Traders will take 18 individuals and teach them tools to navigate the financial markets and how to become a Forex trading professional. Leach and his team split all profits with the series participants 50/50. This series intends to break the stigma of market trading and the get rich quick attitude that inhibits so many individuals within the sector from gaining success.

From his book to his inspiring TED Talk and now this online series, Leach has a strong desire to help people realize their full potential.

“I believe you make your own luck in life – when the opportunity presents itself, you have to be ready for it, and you have to be willing to work hard to earn it. Technical knowledge and ability is a critical component, but it’s not the whole picture. I’m looking forward to training another group of aspiring trainers on how to chase after the goal every single day.”

The Real Forex Trader Series 2 will be available for free online, allowing aspiring traders to tap into the training information and knowledge provided in the episodes.

To learn more about Samuel and Co Trading, the training programs offered, and the new Real Forex Trader Series 2, visit www.samuelandcotrading.com.

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