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New social media campaign aims to galvanise country with virtual vision of Scotland

Southerness lighthouse view, Dumfries. (C) VisitScotland

A NEW social media campaign by Scotland’s national tourism body has been inspired by the unique views from windows to create a virtual vision of Scottish towns. 

VisitScotland is urging residents to share online the sights they can see from their properties – creating a virtual vision of Scotland’s towns, villages and cities, reminding everyone of what is waiting across Scotland when travel restrictions are lifted.

Twitter users are asked to take a picture of a view from their property and post it on social media using the hashtag AWindowOnScotland and their location (i.e hashtag Stirling).

It is hoped the campaign will remind visitors, particularly Scots who holiday here and represent one of the country’s most important tourism markets – of the diverse landscape, vibrant cities and stunning scenery that is waiting for them when this isolation period ends.  

Southerness lighthouse view, Dumfries. (C) VisitScotland

The campaign will carry a very clear stay at home message – but allow everyone to show their part of Scotland to the world – reminding future visitors that we will be waiting with open arms for their return. 

The tourism industry is facing its toughest-ever challenge at the moment, as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to cause national and international travel restrictions.

VisitScotland is closely monitoring the situation as it develops to ensure it is in the best position to work with the Scottish Government and other key partners to manage what is happening as effectively as possible. 

View from McCaig’s Tower, Oban. (C) VisitScotland

Malcolm Roughead, Chief Executive of VisitScotland, said: “At the moment it is important we stay at home but while we can’t get out, we saw an opportunity to create something that will remind people of what Scotland has to offer when this is over. 

“When people are apart and feeling isolated, it is more important than ever to bring them together in an act of solidarity to show the warm, welcoming and friendly spirit of Scotland’s people.  

“#AWindowOnScotland will spread the love of our hometowns, villages and cities from across Scotland to our friends, neighbours and visitors and expand the window for the world during this challenging time.  

“We hope this campaign will also offer tourism businesses an outlet to showcase their own views of Scotland and inspire visitors to see them for themselves when they can in the future.”

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