Home Business 5 Things That You Must Know Before Legally Changing Your Name

5 Things That You Must Know Before Legally Changing Your Name

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

While there can be a number of reasons behind someone wanting to change their name, it’s important to note that the process passes through a legal framework. So, everyone opting in for a name change must know a few things before they take the plunge.

In this post, we are talking about five such things that you must know before you change your name.

1. If It’s For Your Marriage, You May Have To Contact Social Security

A large number of people across the world choose to change their names to match better with their partner’s after they get married.

Indeed, the idea is beautiful but comes with certain legal concerns that we must take care of.

The first thing you may have to do (depending on your location) is to get in touch with the legal authorities and fill out the form and mail them the required documents along with your marriage certificate.

After receiving approval from them, you can proceed with the name-change process.

2. It Can Be a Long Process

Depending on your location, the name change procedure may be an extended one.

For example, in the UK, you may be able to use your new name with the help of a deed poll and a few other documents. On the other hand, in several other locations, it may take a few months.

So, before you finally decide to change your name, make sure that you are well prepared and have the right amount of patience to go through the process.

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

3. Know About The Exceptions

Now that you are choosing a new name, you surely have a world of options to pick from.

In fact, you can name yourself anything that you can think of. (It’s recommendable to not make it awkward for yourself). However, there are some exceptions that we must keep in mind.

To know better about these exceptions, you may need to get in touch with the legal authorities.

Some common rules say that you can’t have the following in your name:

  • Numerals
  • Punctuations
  • Racial-slurs
  • Offensive words
  • Misleading names that may create unnecessary confusions

Although some courts may approve the above characteristics, it’s better to check with the authorities.

Apart from that, it’s also important to note that you can’t change your name to escape debt, or run away from criminal charges or to commit a crime.

4. There May Occur a Need for Newspaper Announcements

As your new name must reach out across the population, the authorities may ask you to announce this name change in newspapers.

This is to ensure that your creditors and other interested parties have a fair chance to object this change. And if not that, this announcement will at least make them aware of your new name, so there are no confusions.

5. Like Everything Else, New Names Also Come At a Price

We know how everything on the market has a price tag. Your new name for this matter, may not be out for sale, but surely, you will have to pay the price for it.

From file charges to notarization of all documents, the complete procedure may cost you around £240, plus three days of preparing documents and everything else.

So, before you get up and start going, make sure you are prepared for all of this.

Final words

There’s a number of reasons that one may wish to change their name for. But as there’s a number of legal matters connected with the process, we must know a few things.

In this post, we shared five such things. Hopefully, this was helpful.

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