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3 Online Gambling Games to Try

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Are you in search of an exciting new hobby to busy yourself throughout the lockdown period? If so, then you might want to consider giving some free online casino games a try. What most people don’t know is that it is possible to play these games without handing over a penny. If you do decide to spend some money, it is also quite easy to find a website that allows you to play in an extremely budget-friendly manner.

Not sure about where to start? Here is a round-up of the three best online gambling games to add to your list.

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Bingo is undoubtedly one of the most popular online casino games in the world. This is probably due to the fact that it can be enjoyed by practically anyone regardless of their age or background. The rules are also very simple and easy to learn. Most Bingo Sites operate in the same way. Generally, there are three different variants of online bingo to choose from, namely 75-, 85-, and 90-ball bingo.

There are also many ways to win. Either you can mark off one full horizontal line of numbers, two full horizontal lines of numbers or, better yet, get a full house. The latter is quite rare and happens when you mark off all of the numbers on your bingo card.

The main advantage of online bingo over regular bingo is that you can buy as many cards per session as you want. The more you buy, the higher your chances of winning.


There are many different types of poker to play online. A few firm favourites include:

  • Texas Hold’em
  • Omaha High Poker
  • Seven Card Stud Poker
  • Pineapple Poker
  • Cincinnati Poker
  • High-Low Chicago

The great news is that if you know how to play one version of poker, you will usually be able to learn how to play a different version pretty quickly. Have a go and play around on several different online gambling websites: just be sure to do your research so that you know the websites in question are safe and legit in order to find a poker variation that best suits you. Cincinnati Poker is one of the simplest versions, making it a top choice for beginners.


Although there is a certain amount of strategy involved, online roulette is largely governed by luck. The general rule is that the player needs to venture a guess regarding the specific number that will fall out. They can opt to place a bet on a single number or spread the bet out over a specific sector, such as a certain colour. It depends which website you choose to play, but overall, the rules for online roulette are the same as the rules for real table roulette.

So, give the online gaming world a go whenever you feel the need to pass the time. Just be sure to gamble responsibly and keep a close eye on how much money (if any) you are putting into it. Enjoy!

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