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How to Wear Bangles Properly

Photo by Mong Bui on Unsplash

Bangles look like bracelets, but have subtle differences. They can serve as accessories for both men and women, and have grown in popularity over the years.

While a classic bangle can be crafted of many different materials, including wood, most people opt for bangles that are crafted of precious metals or inlaid with gemstones.

If you wish to add this excellent piece of jewelry to your ensemble, here are some tips to make your bangles really pop.

What are Bangles?

Put simply, bangles are rigid bracelets. The main difference between bangles and bracelets is the fact that bracelets tend to have flexibility while bangles are made of one solid piece of material.

This means that they hang on the wrist more loosely, like a cuff rather than a watchband.

Bangles tend to feel their best when there is space between the cuff and the wrist bone. Sliding on this jewelry requires you to close your hand slightly or to bend the bangle if it is made of a flexible material.

A pair of bangles
Photo by Mong Bui on Unsplash

From there, the piece hands easily on the wrist and can be combined with other bangles or bracelets as desired.

Titanium Bangles

Titanium serves as one of the most popular materials for bangles. The relatively light weigh of the metal makes it easy to wear multiple titanium bangles, and its durability reduces the risk of scratches and other damage.

Titanium is sometimes less flexible than other materials used for bangles, but still has enough give to put on and take off with ease.

The look of a titanium piece of jewelry resembles something between silver and stainless steel. As with other metals, a titanium bangle can be custom engraved and studded with gemstones. If you want a bangle that will stand the test of time and which you can wear during rugged activities, titanium is a good choice of material for you.

Gold Bangles

Gold remains a timeless in jewelry and has been highly prized almost since its discovery.

As a result, it should come as no surprise that you can find a wide variety of stylish gold bangles for men and women alike. Gold bangles tend to be flexible and beautiful, immediately drawing the eye. This makes them great if you have a special design or gemstone that you wish to show off.

You will need to provide occasional maintenance for gold bangles to make sure that they always look their best. This can include taking care to avoid scratches and polishing the jewelry on occasion to get rid of corrosion.

Silver Bangles

Next to gold, silver stands out as one of the most popular and timeless metals used in jewelry. Silver is extremely flexible and comfortable to wear.

The color also matches a wide variety of gemstones, clothing, and other types of metal, making this material very versatile when combined with other bangles and accessories.

Cost-wise, a silver bangle tends to run less than gold but more than titanium, making it a great middle ground for people who want to shop for luxury jewelry while maintaining a budget.

As with gold, you do need to occasionally polish silver bangles and take steps to ensure that they don’t get damaged by rugged use. However, cleaning silver is extremely easy, with many home solutions available.

How Can You Mix it Up With Your Look?

If you can’t decide what kind of bangle you want to wear, don’t worry. Because these accessories tend to be cost-efficient and easy to wear, you can mix and match in several different ways.

This can include combining multiple bangles or bracelets on one wrist.

When you do this, just make sure not to go overboard. Consider how you want to wear each piece of jewelry and make sure to allow every individual bangle to stand on its own. Too many bangles can take away from the individual pieces.

At the same time, you can combine multiple bangles into a set of jewelry that has a special and unique effect all its own.

Bangles are flexible, easy to wear, and a joy to mix and match with other pieces of jewelry. Their simple design hearkens back to the early days of jewelry, following a heritage that goes thousands of years into the past.

At the same time, the ability to customize the individual pieces and to match them with other bangles makes it so this jewelry can be as intricate as you desire. All told, bangles should be a part of everybody’s fashion ensemble in one way or another.

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