Home News Shocking moment “jealous” yobs light woman’s car on fire on her driveway

Shocking moment “jealous” yobs light woman’s car on fire on her driveway

The arsonists make a run for it after setting the car ablaze.

THIS is the moment two thugs douse a woman’s car in flammable liquid and set it alight on her driveway.

The shocking scene took place on a residential street in Wigan, Greater Manchester in the early hours of this morning [Thur].

It was captured on CCTV and shared online by the car-owner’s daughter, Adele Rooney who claims the yobs were “jealous” of her mum’s vehicle.

The video shows two people dressed in hoodies and what look like anti-flammable suits approaching the house.

They confer in a walkway at the side of the property before gaining access to the drive.

One of the yobs then douses a van parked outside with flammable liquid in a plastic bottle.

They then repeat the act on the woman’s white Ford sat next to it.

The Ford is then lit on fire and an explosion of light fills the frame before the car is revealed again engulfed in flames.

A further image posted to Facebook shows the car engine completely blackened and ruined with the front right-hand side tire melted.

Adele posted to social media: “My mum does absolutely nothing to no one, very jealous bitter people about but we will find out who has done this to her if it’s the last thing that we do.

“If anyone knows anything about this please message us we will give a reward for any information leading to an arrest.”

Yobs were captured on CCTV setting  a Ford on fire
The yobs were caught on CCTV pouring flammable liquid on the Ford

The post has sparked outrage among Facebook users.

Paul Rooney commented: “Absolute scum bags.”

Sarah Thompson commented: “Oh Adele that is awful your poor Mum.

“Some people really are a waste of oxygen!

“I hope you find them absolute scum! Hope your mum is okay too.”

Natalie Walsh commented: “This is absolutely disgusting what’s wrong with people.”

And Sherri Liane Layla Devlin wrote: “That’s awful hope they are caught little rats.”

The arsonists make a run for it after setting the car ablaze.

Speaking today, daughter Adele told of her mother, Sandra Rostroln’s,55, ordeal.

Adele, 32 said:” They were lingering around for three minutes, they knew what they were doing.”

“I became aware at 1:20am when my mother phoned me, neighbors came running with buckets of water.”

“The police think they (the arsonists) got the wrong address”

Adele, a sales manager spoke further of her “The car will be wrote off, that’s eight grand gone. My mum was petrified, she was hysterical she could not breath and the fire men had to calm her down.”

Adele added:” That could have potentially took my mums life.”

“The car was a piece of metal but it’s affected her, she doesn’t want another. They don’t realise what they have caused.”

The extent of the damage is huge as the eight grand car is left in cinders.

A spokeswoman for Great Manchester Police today said: “Shortly after 12.50am this morning (Thursday 2 July 2020) police were called to a report of an arson on Windermere Road in Ince.”

“Emergency services attended and found that a white Ford Fiesta had been damaged in an arson attack.”

“No one was injured during the incident.”

“No arrests have been made and an investigation is underway.”

“Anyone with any information should contact police on 0161 856 7264 quoting incident number 147 of 02/07/2020.”

“Information can be passed on anonymously by calling the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

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