Partner Posts6 Reasons to Transcribe Audio to Text

6 Reasons to Transcribe Audio to Text


Audio content is surely one of the great ways of passing on information to the people or audiences. However, you do not have to remain confined to the audio version. You can choose to convert these audio files into text. This process of converting audio to text is called audio transcription where the audio files are documented into a text format. This can help you in many ways and can prove to be quite beneficial. Here are some of the reasons why you consider the conversion of the audios to text:

Reason 1: It’s Great For Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Being a business owner, you will definitely want your content to at the top of the search engine result pages (SERPs). Popular search engines like Bing and Google index the contents based on the quality as well as relevance. If you transcribe the voice to text, then the search engine bots will be able to look for the text contents. Hence, you can use service to transcribe your speech or audio into text online in a few minutes. It can transcribe most of the popular audio files into text.

Photo by Leo Wieling on Unsplash
Photo by Leo Wieling on Unsplash

Reason 2: Bring Your Content To A Wider Audience

When you can have a wider range of audience, why should you stick to one? Audio files via podcasters can only target audiences who want to listen to something. But you can bring your content to a much wider and broader range of audiences who prefer to read. You can turn the audio to text with the help of an online converter. The will help you in this to transcribe an interview, press conference, podcasts, lecture, voice memos, and phone recording into text.

Reason 3: Increase Accessibility Of Your Contents

There are millions of people out there who have hearing disabilities. Due to hearing problems, they can only access to the contents that they can read. Besides that, there are many people who prefer to read something rather than listening to it. So, there is a large section of the population that wants content in the text. Also, this brings an opportunity for you to reach out to many people out there who can be a potential reader for your content. With faster service, the will provide you with a complete transcription of your audio files.

Reason 4: Transcribed Content Is Easy To Distribute

For now, distribution channels for audio files are quite limited in comparison to the number of channels available for text. You can either publish your audio file as a podcast or you can make it available through some website or CDs. Also, audio files can take up a lot of storage space and consume a lot of bandwidth compared to that of the text contents. You can easily transcribe your audio files to text and publish it on different platforms such as – eBook, online blog article, books, print media articles and emails etc. makes it extremely easy to transcribe the audio into text. Audext audio to text converter comes with an in-built editor that can be used for highlighting any active word. Even you can use this to find any particular word and replace it.

Reason 5: Text Contents Are Easy To Share

When more people find your content, they will share it via social media, email or messengers. In this era, social sharing is an important thing to consider. Who doesn’t want to conquer the social media platforms with their content? Well, audio files cannot be that popular in the social media platforms but your text can. Transcribe your voice to text and then share it. This will also make it easier for other people to share on the leading social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. You can use as one of the most convenient and efficient ways to convert all your audio contents into the text to get more clicks and impressions on social media.

Reason 6: Save Time By Transcribing Information

Manual typing of the long blog posts can be quite hectic and it can also take up a lot of time. If you already have your audio recorded, then you can transcribe it to text. If not you can just record your thoughts and head straight to to turn the recorded audio into a blog post. With the easy to navigate interface and efficient transcription, it can help you to automatically convert your speech into text online in a few minutes. Whether it is for education, business, or for media needs, you can use for helping you. If you are having hard time identifying the speaker, the Audext will also do this for you. It can identify the speaker perfectly and structure the entire text based on the speaker’s speech.


With 200-times faster conversion and easy interface, Audext app can be a valuable option for you. It can save you a lot of time and effort by efficiently converting the audio files into text. After the conversion from audio to text is completed, you can edit the text in the editor. Each of the words is tied up to the exact audio moment and when you click on that particular word that audio will play from that moment. It will make it easier for you to edit or crosscheck the text. Moreover, you’ll get as much as 30 minutes of free transcription. So, try it now.

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