Home Partner Posts The Importance of Essay Writing Skills for One’s Future Career

The Importance of Essay Writing Skills for One’s Future Career

Woman writing essay Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

In this day and age where technology rules and touches on almost every aspect of our everyday lives, it can seem as if coding is the skill we need to learn and writing is a skill to disregard. However, writing has and forever will be essential, especially essay writing skills. With the power to reach out to people all over the world, leave a lasting first impression and hone critical communication skills, essay writing skills are more important now than ever.

We are currently living in a globalized world. Our neighbors are not just the people over the fence; they are also the people working a 9-to-5 job halfway around the world. In many ways, we have writing to thank for this interconnected web.

Emails can reach the other side of the world in a split second, and letters and correspondences are used to communicate with anyone just about anywhere.

Because we are often unable to communicate with people face-to-face, the small details that demonstrate professionalism during an interview or a meeting such as work attire or way of speech, are no longer factors. What is left is written communication as the prime factor in determining the type of person one is.

Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

They say that first impressions are lasting impressions. For many, a piece of writing is the first impression such as a letter for a possible job opportunity. Because writing demonstrates a level of professionalism and credibility, a well-written statement written in a proper writing format can determine whether or not an employer is willing to hire an individual.

A piece of writing that is free of grammatical errors and is articulate is more likely to win over the employer compared to one full of grammatical errors and an unclear message. A poorly written statement will also give the impression that the sender is unable to communicate effectively, a crucial skill in the working world, and that the sender was lazy in checking over his or her work.

This characteristic can be seen to translate into the workplace. When applying for jobs, many employers also require a cover letter in order for the individuals to introduce themselves in a memorable way to stand out from the competition. In a single page of writing, an employer can sense what type of person the applicant is and whether or not he or she is a good candidate for the position.

For any job, communication is key. A negotiation for a pay raise or a change in the work schedule must be communicated with an employer. When interacting with fellow co-workers, communication is needed for their cooperation and a job well-done.

Clients or interested customers often communicate dissatisfaction with a product or service with those working for a company and these people must be able to settle these problems. All of these things can be done with a well-written piece of writing.

A good written statement that is concise and informative should be able to do exactly what the writer wants whether that is negotiate a pay raise or persuade readers to feel a specific emotion.

For example, business plans, ventures, and startups all begin with a well-written statement.

These written statements should present a logical argument as well as structured ideas to convince investors into supporting an individual’s idea and helping it become a reality.

It also applies to consumer culture. Especially in today’s world where everything is online, writing, whether it is a blog, classification essay outline, book summary, social media post, or an advertisement, can reach people that cannot be reached in-person.

With the power of a few words, a person browsing the internet can turn into a consumer for the product or service that is being marketed.

Through pen and paper or speedy fingers on the keyboard, a quality piece of writing can convince, not only the people within a boardroom, but also the people a plane ride away. Writing is an extension of a person’s level of professionalism and a key method of communication with the people one is working with. Essay writing skills are crucial and should continuously be honed as it is only growing more and more important in today’s world.

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