Home Business The Surprising Uses for Java

The Surprising Uses for Java

(Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash)

According to a recent study, Java has continually ranked as one of the top coding languages for developers to learn every year since its release, nearly three decades ago.

Even though there are many new development languages and platforms available in the world of website, application, and software development, developers still gravitate towards using Java for a wide variety of use cases.

When considering what developers can do with this programming language, most people think of building things like web applications, mobile applications, desktop apps, enterprise apps, application servers, and so on in the same “traditional” route of development. However, Java has an incredible range of possibilities.

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Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

The Interesting and Rather Surprising Use Cases for Java

Although the following list seems rather comprehensive and varied, it’s really just the beginning of what is possible with the power of Java. While all of these varied uses may not be applicable or useful for all Java developers or Java development companies, it’s interesting to note just how truly versatile, useful, and downright inspiring it is as a programming language.

? Self-Driving Cars – Self-driving cars have become one of the most interesting and
demanding uses of technology in today’s world. While driving seems rather mundane to
most humans, building the robotics and engineering required to steer a vehicle based on
the correct assortment of sensors is no small feat.

The fact that technology helps avoid collisions and deliver people safely to their
destination while powered by code is fascinating. Developers must take all of the
elements put into these self-driving cars and package them in a way that guarantees the
utmost reliability at all times as human lives are on the line. Java plays a key role in the
packaging and creating of these high-performance applications such as self-driving cars.

? Movie Magic – Many of the top special effects companies in Hollywood rely on Java to
make all kinds of software-based effects. Companies commonly use a combination of
Java and Python to manage tasks like sequencing animation in movies.

? The Internet of Things – From sensors on doorbells and smart house appliances to
security cameras and industrial machinery, nearly every aspect of everyday life uses the
Internet of Things. While these applications are well known, the fact that many of these
devices are built and programmed with Java is not.

A good example of the Internet of Things and Java at work is a smart vending machine.
Companies use the Internet of Things and Java-powered software to track a variety of
vital factors for these smart machines, including the inventory inside of the machines,
location, humidity, and temperature. This saves companies time and manpower needed
to manually check each machine. It also reduces the amount of lost revenue thanks to
the constant monitoring of machine status.

Wearable technology, such as smartwatches and smart rings, are also commonly built
with Java. Smart home devices frequently combine artificial intelligence with Java to
create things such as the Nest Thermostat.

? Scientific Exploration – Java is a great solution for math-oriented applications where
scientists must combine heavy scientific or numeric processing with a smooth graphics
output in 2D or 3D.

? Education – Many schools and educational institutions from kindergarten through higher
education rely on custom applications built with Java. Java is also one of the top
language choices for learning programs within schools.
Creating applications for learning tends to involve creating many different smaller
applications put into larger projects in enterprise environments. Java is an ideal option
for building out such platforms.

? Virtual Visits to the Doctor – One of the newest trends in the medical community, and the
most useful due to the COVID-19 pandemic, are virtual visits to the doctor or
“telemedicine.” This practice allows patients to stay at home for both the factor of
convenience and keeping both parties safe while still receiving a medical assessment.
Many popular programs use Java to build application modules that allow for simple,
quick doctor and patient interactions. It’s safe to expect that artificial intelligence will
combine with Java to create robotic doctors for this practice in the near future as well.

? The Cloud – Companies, technologies, and platforms have been making a steady move
into the cloud as it allows for easier access, improved security, and many other benefits.

Software developers use Java to build cloud-based application services, APIs, client
applications, and many other parts of the required cloud technology.
Java’s proven history of working in just about any setting makes it work nicely with the
cloud’s need to work consistently for both mobile and desktop applications no matter
where they are running physically.

Java Is Useful for Nearly Everything

No matter the industry or niche of technology, chances are that it’s possible to use Java for
something within a project. The language’s use cases are nearly endless, which is why it will continue to rank as one of the top, most useful programming languages for the foreseeable future. From powering self-driving cars and making movie magic to helping patients virtually connect with their doctors, Java will continue to be the go-to language for modern devs.

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