Home Partner Posts Streamlining B2C Logistics – What COVID-19 has Taught Us

Streamlining B2C Logistics – What COVID-19 has Taught Us

Photo by ?? Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash

The coronavirus pandemic has changed everything in 2020 and made life difficult for businesses in practically every industry. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that businesses that have a strong online and digital presence are in a much better position than those without and sadly many industries have learned this lesson the hard way.

The Rise of Mobile

Times of crisis are also opportunities for creativity and entrepreneurship and it is the businesses that are able to adapt and evolve with the times that will succeed.

In the current situation, businesses need to be able to reach their customers not only online but also on mobile so this needs to be an area that businesses focus on. Mobile usage was on the rise before the pandemic but Covid-19 has shifted consumer expectations on mobile so now businesses need to be able to satisfy their target customers’ objectives the same way that a desktop website can.

Photo by ?? Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash
Photo by ?? Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash

Changing Expectations

The importance of mobile accessibility is something that Parcel2Go have found as they have made key changes to their app to meet changing consumer expectations so that it is easy for people to use their business no matter where they are. A spokesperson for Parcel2Go explained:

“We’ve updated our app with new features that new and existing customers will love. In fact, there’s very little you can’t do with our app that you can do on the website.” “Compare parcel prices and postal rates from the most reliable parcel delivery companies – saving you time, effort and money.

And because we work with all of the industry’s biggest and best couriers you still get the widest range of services right at your fingertips.”

Delivering a seamless and positive customer experience is important at all times and not just during a pandemic, but in the current situation it is vital that businesses provide a smooth experience through both digital and mobile selling. These are not the only areas that a business needs to focus on in order to thrive during the coronavirus outbreak, though, as there have been many other challenges that have arisen.


Providing Support

In times of great uncertainty like these, a business needs to be there to provide support for their target customer. This is a unique opportunity to forge strong connections with your target market and to build trust.

Humanising the brand, showing that you understand their concerns and showing what steps you are taking to provide a product/service while still protecting public health are all great ways to improve your reputation and build stronger relationships.

In the current situation, researchers recently recommended that deliveries should be left 72 hours to limit the risk of virus exposure so sharing helpful information like this is useful for providing support for your customers during a challenging time.

The coronavirus pandemic has forced businesses to evolve and adapt and those that have been able to do so are the ones that will not only survive but thrive. Mobile and digital accessibility has been key, but it is just as important that businesses are providing guidance and support to their customers in order to develop stronger relationships.

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