Home Partner Posts How to Make the Most of Freshers’ Week 2020  

How to Make the Most of Freshers’ Week 2020  

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

On a scale of one to ten – how excited are you about Freshers’ Week?  

Of course, it’s a ten.

Freshers’ Week is arguably the best experience that you will have during your time at your chosen university, with the chance to make friends for life, explore your new home and let your hair down a little, or more likely a lot.

That being said, how do you make sure that you make the most of your Freshers’ Week?

This year’s Fresher’ Week will look a little different to all those before it, but rather than look at this as a negative, why not instead see it as an opportunity to have even more of an adventure?

Photo of a pile of books
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash


From taking advantage of virtual fairs to open-air events, keep reading to discover how you can make the most of Fresher’s Week 2020.

Find out what type of fresher you really are

You may think that you know exactly what type of person you are, but that could all change once you get that first taste of complete freedom as a new university student.

Take this Freshers Quiz (make sure you’re 100% honest with your answers) and find out not only what type of fresher you are likely to be but also discover how you can make the most of your first week at your chosen university.

You may be surprised at the results!

Embrace the virtual

By now, you’re probably a pro at virtual house parties and can’t even remember what the inside of a nightclub looks like!

Although, of course, you will still be able to responsibly hit the local bars and take advantage of super-cheap student drinks, you will also want to get stuck into all the virtual offerings that your university is laying on.

From virtual DJ sets to virtual quiz nights, online movie marathons to yoga sessions via Zoom, make sure you embrace everything that piques your interest.

Some universities are even hosting their own virtual escape rooms! Can you think of anything better than that?

Get outdoors

Understandably, a lot of the Fresher’s Week activities that would normally take place indoors will be moved outside this year. Expect to enjoy a wide range of events such as night-time markets, food festivals, and sporting events.

However, be warned, there is likely to be a limited number of people allowed to each event, even the ones outside, so sign up early to avoid disappointment.

Don’t worry if you don’t drink

Traditionally, Fresher’s Week centred around students consuming copious amounts of alcohol, and yes, there will still be a fair amount of that happening.

However, Fresher’s Week 2020 is set to be a lot more diverse, offering a wide range of activities that teetotallers can enjoy just as much as everyone else.

Plus, look out for ongoing “sober” activities that you can get involved in, such as film nights, sporting clubs, and drama societies.

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