Home Partner Posts A Look at Scotland’s Newest Personal Injury Firm

A Look at Scotland’s Newest Personal Injury Firm

A car accident/ Photo by Michale Jin on Unsplash

Dealing with personal injury cases in Scotland is going to become a lot easier with the addition of the newest personal injury firm Scot Accident Claims.

Led by senior partner Greg Whyte the goal of Scot Accident claims is to make sure that anyone who suffers an injury because someone else’s negligence gets compensated.

The firm has a highly experienced team of lawyers who have fought all kinds of personal injury cases in all Scottish courts. They analyze the facts of their cases properly and make sure that their client gets the best compensation possible.

They also try to settle the matter with a deal, so their clients do not have to get the court and wait extra-long to receive that compensation. The types of cases Scot Accident Claims deals with includes:

How to deal with Trauma after a car accident
A car accident/ Photo by Michale Jin on Unsplash

Accident at Work Claims

If a person gets injured at their workplace due to the negligence of their employer, then they have a right to file a personal injury lawsuit against them. It is the duty of the employer to provide his employees with safe working conditions.

If the employer fails to do so and the person end’s up getting injured because of it, then the victim has all the right to file a personal injury lawsuit against them. So, if you have faced this sort of situation recently, you can contact Scot Accident Claims for advice.

Medical Negligence Claims

Personal injury laws are not just applicable to injuries received at work or road accidents, but they can also be applied to medical negligence. If a person has suffered an injury or medical condition because they got the wrong medication or were not treated right by the doctor, then they have a right to file a personal injury claim against the hospital. The legal system can be a little complex, and the firm will help you navigate through it.

Road Traffic Claims

If you were in a road accident that was caused by another person’s negligence and has suffered injuries due to it, then you can contact Scot Accident Claims to file a personal injury lawsuit against them. These accidents happen when someone is driving rashly or under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Either way, if the accident was the fault of the person, you are eligible to file a personal injury claim against them. Road accidents can be dangerous and can result in both minor and major injuries.

Other Types of Claims

Apart from these, the firms deal with other different types of claims as well, including serious injury claims, accident abroad claims, industrial diseases claims etc. According to personal injury laws, if the accident could have been avoided if someone was not negligent, then the victim has a right to file for a claim against the guilty party. Also, the lawyers at Scot Accident Claims understand the financial stress one can come under during these accidents and only charge you if you win compensation. So, you would not have to worry about losing any money on it.

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