Home Court & Crime Pensioner left with no roof after scammer “made off with tiles and...

Pensioner left with no roof after scammer “made off with tiles and £5,400 savings” – Scottish News

Harry's roof was left bare. (Image: Harry Thomson)
Roof with no tiles
Harry’s roof was left bare. (Image: Harry Thomson)

POLICE are investigating after a pensioner was left with no roof when a callous scammer allegedly ran off with £5,400 of his savings.

Harry Thomson, 75, was approached by the “would-be roofer” four weeks ago at his home in High Valleyfield, Dunfermline.

A shocking image show’s how Harry’s roof was stripped of tiles by the rogue trader who initially knocked on his door and told him he had a bad leak that he could fix.

Over a course of four weeks, Harry claims that the man returned multiple times constantly asking for more money to buy supplies.

After stripping his entire roof of tiles, and managing to collect a total of £5,400 in cash, he says the man stopped showing up.

Harry Thomson has been left devastated by the ordeal.

Harry was left devastated after realising he had been conned out of the money which was put away to pay for his wife’s care home.

Whilst giving a statement to the police, Harry collapsed on the floor and had epileptic seizures due to the stress of what had happened.

However since hearing about the shocking incident, a kindhearted local roofer has contacted Harry to tell him he would install a new roof, free of charge.

Speaking today, Harry said: “He cold-called me.

“He came around the door, talked the talk and walked the walk.

“He said ‘you’ve got a leak’ and I didn’t think it was bad but it said it was. They’re professionals.

“He first asked for £1,300 for supplies to sort out my chimney.

Harry had put the money away to pay for his wife’s care. (Image: Harry Thomson)

“He went away for a while and then came back and said I would be better with a new roof so I drew out another £2,000 for more materials for that.

“The next day he comes back saying he needs another £600 for more materials.

“I asked him to get roof vents. I asked how much they would cost and he said £30 each and I would need six.

“He just kept asking for more money I’ve the course of four weeks.

“On the 24th he came with some other boys and stripped all the tiles off the roof and said I will come back in a couple of hours.

“I’m sat there and he never came back. I contacted him to ask him to come here and cover it so it’s at least waterproof but he said it’ll be fine.

“Then he said he would be back last Friday with tiles. Next thing he says he can’t come up because his wheel fell off.

“This whole thing has gone on for four weeks. I called the police and let them know and they came up and took a statement from me and by the end of it I had four seizures, one after another.

Members of the local community have rallied around Harry.

“The police lady and officer were either side of me and the last I remembered was them phoning an ambulance.

“The paramedics had to hoist me up to get me to the Victoria Hospital and then I got to go home around midnight that night after paying £60 for a taxi home.

“It was left like that for three nights.

Harry posted about the incident on Facebook to want others to be vigilant about the conman.

Harry added: “ I posted about it and instantly got messages from other people saying
that similar had happened to them or people they know.

“There was a message from a chap, Leon Roe. I know his uncle and he offered to replace my roof and source the materials for free.

“He is first class. He did the front yesterday and he’s got the scaffolders to put the tiles on the back.

“That money was in the bank to pay for my wife’s care. I don’t think I will ever see it again.”

Harry’s post has been shared by hundreds of furious social media users.

Scott David Lowden said: “So sorry to hear this Harry, scumbag so he is.

“You don’t need this aggro bro.”

Clive Johnson wrote: “I just do not know what to say Harry, hope the bloke gets what is coming to him.”

And Jan Boyle said: “So sorry to hear this has happened to you Harry.

“Hope you get it sorted.”

A spokesman for Police Scotland today (FRI) said: “Around 3pm on Friday, 25 September, 2020, police received a report of a fraud related incident in High Valleyfield, Dunfermline.

“Enquiries are ongoing.”

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